Next.js getServerSideProps: Usage, Examples, FAQs

published on 03 May 2024

getServerSideProps is a Next.js function that fetches data on the server-side and passes it as props to a page component. This enables server-side rendering (SSR) to provide up-to-date data and improve SEO.

When to Use getServerSideProps

  • Pages with frequently changing data
  • User-specific content
  • Dynamic content rendering


  • Ensures latest data on every request
  • Improves performance by reducing duplicate data fetching
  • Provides better predictability of server-side data fetching

Return Values

Value Description
props Data fetched from server, passed as props
notFound Returns 404 status code
redirect Redirects to specified URL

Comparison with getStaticProps

Method Data Fetching Use Cases
getStaticProps At build time Infrequently changing data
getServerSideProps At runtime Frequently changing data


  • Fetching data from an API
  • Server-side user authentication
  • Rendering dynamic content

Best Practices

  • Efficient data fetching (avoid unnecessary requests)
  • Caching strategies (headers, Incremental Static Regeneration)
  • Proper error handling

getServerSideProps is ideal for building dynamic, user-centric Next.js applications that provide up-to-date content and exceptional user experiences.

Understanding getServerSideProps

What is getServerSideProps and Why Use It?

getServerSideProps is a Next.js function that fetches data on the server-side and passes it as props to a page component. This function is primarily used for server-side rendering (SSR) and is executed on every request.

When to use getServerSideProps?

  • Fetch data that changes frequently
  • Render dynamic content
  • Handle user-specific data
  • Improve SEO by rendering pages with fresh content

Return Values of getServerSideProps

getServerSideProps can return three types of values:

Return Value Description
props An object containing the data fetched from the server, passed as props to the page component.
notFound A boolean value indicating whether the page should return a 404 status code.
redirect An object containing the redirect URL and status code.

By understanding the return values of getServerSideProps, you can effectively handle different scenarios and provide a better user experience.

In the next section, we'll explore the differences between getServerSideProps and getStaticProps, and when to use each method.

Comparing Server-Side Rendering Methods

getServerSideProps vs getStaticProps

When it comes to server-side rendering in Next.js, two methods stand out: getServerSideProps and getStaticProps. While both methods allow you to fetch data on the server-side, they differ significantly in their approach and use cases.

Key Differences

Method Data Fetching Use Cases
getStaticProps At build time Pages with infrequently changing data, such as blog posts or product descriptions
getServerSideProps At runtime Pages with frequently changing data, such as user-specific content or real-time updates

Performance and SEO Implications

The choice between getServerSideProps and getStaticProps also affects performance and SEO.

  • getStaticProps generates static HTML files, which can be served quickly and efficiently, resulting in faster page loads. Additionally, search engines can crawl and index these static pages more easily, improving SEO.
  • getServerSideProps requires the server to generate the page on every request, which can lead to slower page loads and increased server load.

When to Use Each Method

To summarize:

  • Use getStaticProps for pages with infrequently changing data, prioritizing performance and SEO.
  • Use getServerSideProps for pages with frequently changing data, prioritizing flexibility and real-time updates.

By understanding the differences between getServerSideProps and getStaticProps, you can make informed decisions about which method to use in your Next.js applications, ensuring optimal performance, SEO, and user experience.

Examples of Using getServerSideProps

Fetching Data from an API

getServerSideProps is ideal for creating an application that requires the client to see the most up-to-date information. For example, if we had a page on the website that displays information about the most recent GitHub commit or current analytics, we'd want these to be fetched every time the page was seen.

Here's an example of how you can use getServerSideProps to fetch data from an API:

export async function getServerSideProps(context) {
  const data = await fetchDataFromAPI();
  return { props: { data } };

In this example, fetchDataFromAPI is a function that fetches data from an API. The getServerSideProps function then returns an object with a props property, which contains the fetched data.

Server-Side User Authentication

getServerSideProps can also be used to handle user authentication within a Next.js application. By checking user credentials before rendering the page, you can ensure that only authenticated users have access to certain pages or content.

Here's an example of how you can use getServerSideProps to handle server-side user authentication:

export async function getServerSideProps(context) {
  const user = await authenticateUser(context.req);
  if (!user) {
    return { redirect: { destination: '/login', permanent: false } };
  return { props: { user } };

In this example, authenticateUser is a function that checks the user's credentials and returns a user object if the authentication is successful. If the authentication fails, the getServerSideProps function returns a redirect to the login page.

Rendering Dynamic Content

getServerSideProps is also useful for rendering dynamic content that frequently updates, such as a live news feed or stock prices. By fetching the latest data on every request, you can ensure that your users always see the most up-to-date information.

Here's an example of how you can use getServerSideProps to render dynamic content:

export async function getServerSideProps(context) {
  const data = await fetchLatestNews();
  return { props: { data } };

In this example, fetchLatestNews is a function that fetches the latest news data from an API. The getServerSideProps function then returns an object with a props property, which contains the fetched data.

These examples demonstrate how getServerSideProps can be used to fetch data from an API, handle server-side user authentication, and render dynamic content. By using this function, you can ensure that your Next.js application provides a better user experience by always displaying the most up-to-date information.


Common Questions About getServerSideProps

When to Use getServerSideProps Over getStaticProps

When deciding between getServerSideProps and getStaticProps, consider the type of data you're working with and how often it changes. If your data is frequently updated or specific to each user, getServerSideProps is the better choice. This method ensures that your users always see the latest information.

Here are some scenarios where getServerSideProps is preferred over getStaticProps:

Scenario Description
Frequently updated data If your data is updated in real-time or changes frequently, getServerSideProps ensures that your users always see the latest information.
User-specific data If your application requires user-specific data, getServerSideProps is a better choice. This method allows you to fetch data specific to each user, ensuring a personalized experience.
Dynamic content If your application requires dynamic content that changes frequently, getServerSideProps is the way to go.

Handling Errors in getServerSideProps

Error handling is crucial when working with getServerSideProps. If an error occurs during data fetching, you need to handle it properly to ensure that your users don't see a broken page.

Here are some best practices for error handling in getServerSideProps:

  • Catch and log errors: Catch any errors that occur during data fetching and log them for debugging purposes.
  • Return a fallback page: If an error occurs, return a fallback page that informs the user of the issue. This ensures that your users don't see a broken page.
  • Implement retry mechanisms: Implement retry mechanisms to handle temporary errors. This ensures that your application can recover from temporary errors and provide a seamless user experience.

Can getServerSideProps be Reused Across Pages?

While getServerSideProps is typically used on a per-page basis, it's possible to reuse the logic across multiple pages. However, this approach requires careful consideration of the data fetching requirements for each page.

Here are some scenarios where reusing getServerSideProps logic across pages makes sense:

Scenario Description
Shared data If multiple pages require the same data, you can reuse the getServerSideProps logic to fetch the data once and share it across pages.
Similar data fetching requirements If multiple pages have similar data fetching requirements, you can reuse the getServerSideProps logic to reduce code duplication.

However, reusing getServerSideProps logic across pages can also lead to issues if not done carefully. Be sure to consider the following:

  • Data consistency: Ensure that the data fetched by getServerSideProps is consistent across all pages that reuse the logic.
  • Performance: Reusing getServerSideProps logic can impact performance if not optimized properly. Ensure that you're not fetching unnecessary data or making unnecessary requests.

Best Practices and Common Mistakes

Efficient Data Fetching

When using getServerSideProps, it's crucial to fetch data efficiently to minimize latency and improve performance. Here are some strategies to adopt:

Strategy Description
Avoid network requests Opt for direct database access or client-side fetching to reduce requests and improve efficiency.
Fetch only necessary data Fetch data only when necessary to reduce the load on your server and improve performance.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

When working with getServerSideProps, there are several common mistakes to avoid:

Pitfall Description
Mismanaging environment variables Ensure you're using the correct environment variables and that they're properly configured to avoid errors.
Using getServerSideProps for static content Use getStaticProps for static content to take advantage of Next.js's built-in optimization features.

Caching Strategies for Server-Side Rendering

Caching is essential for server-side rendering, and getServerSideProps provides several caching strategies to improve performance:

Strategy Description
Caching headers Use caching headers within getServerSideProps to specify how long the response should be cached.
Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR) Regenerate static pages in the background while serving stale pages to users, ideal for scenarios where data changes infrequently.

By following these best practices and avoiding common pitfalls, you can optimize your use of getServerSideProps and provide a faster, more efficient experience for your users.


In this article, we've explored the key aspects of getServerSideProps in Next.js. This feature allows you to fetch data on the server-side before rendering a page, making it ideal for pages that require real-time data, user-specific content, or dynamic rendering.

Key Takeaways

Here are the main points to remember about getServerSideProps:

Point Description
Server-side rendering getServerSideProps enables server-side rendering, which improves SEO and provides a better user experience.
Return values The function can return props, notFound, or redirect values, allowing you to handle different scenarios.
Use cases Use getServerSideProps for pages with frequently changing data, user-specific content, or dynamic rendering.

Best Practices

To get the most out of getServerSideProps, follow these best practices:

Practice Description
Efficient data fetching Fetch only necessary data to minimize latency and improve performance.
Caching strategies Implement caching strategies to reduce the load on your server and improve performance.
Error handling Catch and log errors, and return a fallback page to ensure a seamless user experience.

By mastering getServerSideProps, you can build dynamic, user-centric Next.js applications that provide up-to-date content and exceptional user experiences. Remember to follow best practices and optimize your application for performance and scalability.


When to Use getServerSideProps

Use getServerSideProps when you need to render a page that relies on personalized user data or information that can only be known at request time. Examples include authorization headers or geolocation.

Benefits of getServerSideProps

getServerSideProps is executed only on the server side during the initial page request, not on subsequent client-side navigations. This approach improves performance by reducing duplicate data fetching and provides better predictability of server-side data fetching.

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