NextJS Search Filters: 7 UI/UX Best Practices

published on 06 May 2024

Search filters are crucial for e-commerce sites to enhance user experience and increase conversions. This article outlines 7 best practices for designing effective search filters in NextJS applications:

  1. Choose Relevant Filters and Facets

    • Understand your users and industry

    • Follow common design patterns (price, brand, rating)

    • Organize filters logically (categories, subcategories)

    • Vary the scope of facets across categories

  2. Display Search Result Counts

    • Shows users the scope of their search

    • Improves transparency and decision-making

    • Use a clear format and update counts in real-time

  3. Allow Filtering and Sorting Simultaneously

    • Enables users to quickly refine and prioritize results

    • Increases efficiency and better decision-making

    • Use separate state variables and update data in real-time

  4. Make it Easy to Remove Filters

    • Allows users to refine search results without starting over

    • Saves time and enables better decisions

    • Use separate state variables and update data in real-time

  5. Optimize for Mobile and Desktop

    • Mobile: Separate filters, faceted search, compound filters

    • Desktop: Stack filters above results, use sidebars/toolbars

  6. Strategically Locate the Filter Panel

    • Above the fold, sidebar/toolbar, separate screen (mobile)

    • Ensure intuitive and user-friendly placement

  7. Provide Clear and Descriptive Labels

    • Use simple language and avoid ambiguity

    • Be specific and consistent with labeling

    • Helps users quickly identify needed filters

By implementing these best practices, you can create a user-friendly search experience that drives conversions and increases customer satisfaction.

1. Choose the Right Filters and Facets

When designing a search filter system, selecting the right filters and facets is crucial. This helps users find products and content quickly and efficiently. Here are some key considerations to keep in mind:

Relevance to Your Business Segment and Users

To choose the right filters and facets, you need to understand your users, their search behavior, and the overall industry. Research your target audience and identify the most relevant filters and facets that cater to their needs.

Follow Common Design Patterns

Filters should be intuitive and easy to understand. Use varying levels of granularity and make sure they are differentiable. For example, price, brand, and rating are common filters that users expect to see in an e-commerce search filter system.

Organize for Your Users

Sort filter values by popularity and/or importance to increase their usefulness. Use categories and subcategories to organize filters in a logical and user-friendly manner.

Vary in Scope

Some facets will be applied across different categories, while others will be more specific. For instance, on an e-commerce store, all products will have a price, but clothes will not have an author, nor will books have a wattage.

Here's a summary of the key considerations:

Consideration Description
Relevance Understand your users, their search behavior, and the overall industry.
Design Patterns Use intuitive and easy-to-understand filters with varying levels of granularity.
Organization Sort filter values by popularity and/or importance, and use categories and subcategories.
Scope Vary the scope of facets across different categories.

By choosing the right filters and facets, you can create a search filter system that is both effective and user-friendly, ultimately leading to higher customer satisfaction and conversion rates.

2. Display Search Result Counts

Displaying search result counts is a crucial aspect of designing an effective search filter system. This practice allows users to quickly understand the scope of their search results, making it easier for them to decide how much time they need to review the results.

Why Display Search Result Counts?

Displaying search result counts offers several advantages:

Advantage Description
Improved user experience Users can plan their search strategy and allocate their time more efficiently.
Increased transparency Displaying search result counts demonstrates a commitment to transparency.
Better decision-making Users can make more informed decisions about which filters to apply or how to refine their search query.

Best Practices for Displaying Search Result Counts

To effectively display search result counts, consider the following best practices:

  • Use a clear format: Display the search result count in a clear and easy-to-understand format, such as "123 results found" or "Showing 1-10 of 123 results".

  • Update the count in real-time: Ensure that the search result count updates in real-time as users apply filters or refine their search query.

  • Make it prominent: Display the search result count prominently on the search results page, so users can easily find it.

By following these best practices, you can create a search filter system that is both effective and user-friendly, ultimately leading to higher customer satisfaction and conversion rates.

3. Allow Filtering and Sorting Simultaneously

Allowing users to filter and sort search results at the same time is a crucial aspect of designing an effective search filter system in NextJS. This feature enables users to quickly narrow down their search results and prioritize the most relevant items based on their preferences.

Why Allow Filtering and Sorting Simultaneously?

This feature offers several advantages:

Advantage Description
Improved user experience Users can quickly refine their search results and prioritize the most relevant items.
Increased efficiency Users can save time by applying filters and sorting criteria simultaneously, rather than sequentially.
Better decision-making Users can make more informed decisions by quickly comparing and prioritizing search results based on multiple criteria.

Best Practices for Implementing Simultaneous Filtering and Sorting

To effectively implement simultaneous filtering and sorting, follow these best practices:

  • Use a separate state variable for the source data: This ensures that the original data is preserved and can be reused when the user applies new filters or sorting criteria.

  • Update the filtered and sorted data in real-time: Ensure that the search result count and sorted data are updated in real-time as users apply filters or refine their search query.

  • Make it intuitive: Ensure that the filtering and sorting controls are easily accessible and intuitive to use, allowing users to quickly refine their search results.

By following these best practices, you can create a search filter system that is both effective and user-friendly, ultimately leading to higher customer satisfaction and conversion rates.

4. Make it Easy to Remove Filters

When designing a search filter system in NextJS, it's crucial to make it easy for users to remove filters they've applied. This feature is vital for providing a seamless user experience, as users often need to refine their search results by adding or removing filters.

Why Remove Filters?

Removing filters offers several advantages:

Advantage Description
Easy refinement Users can quickly refine their search results without having to start from scratch.
Time-saving Users can save time by easily removing filters and reapplying new ones.
Better decisions Users can make more informed decisions by quickly comparing and refining their search results.

Best Practices for Implementing Filter Removal

To effectively implement filter removal, follow these best practices:

1. Use a separate state variable for the selected filters: This ensures that the selected filters are preserved and can be easily updated when the user removes or adds new filters.

2. Update the filtered data in real-time: Ensure that the search result count and filtered data are updated in real-time as users remove or add filters.

3. Make it intuitive: Ensure that the filter removal controls are easily accessible and intuitive to use, allowing users to quickly refine their search results.

For example, consider the following code snippet that demonstrates how to remove specific query filters from a URL in a Next.js application:

[    {        category: "Color",        values: [            "Silver",            "Black",          ...        ]    },    {        category: "Material",        values: [            "Acrylic",            "Rayon",          ...        ]    },  ...]

5. Optimize Filters for Mobile and Desktop Use

Optimizing search filters for both mobile and desktop use is crucial to ensure a seamless user experience across various devices. With most ecommerce traffic coming from mobile devices, it's essential to design filters that cater to smaller screens and touch-based interactions.

Mobile Considerations

When designing mobile-friendly search filters, consider the following:

Principle Description
Separate filters into a separate screen Allows for scalability and more options without enlarging the search results page.
Use faceted search Maximizes small-screen real estate by allowing users to narrow their results by applying filters in a "tray"-style overlay.
Provide compound filters and keep selections visible Enables consumers to select multiple tags within and across filter types, and ensures that their selections are visible to facilitate easy refinement.

Desktop Considerations

When designing filters for desktop use, keep in mind:

Principle Description
Stack filters above the results Allows users to easily access and apply filters without having to navigate to a separate screen.
Use a sidebar or horizontal toolbar Provides a dedicated area for filters, making it easy for users to access and apply them.

6. Strategically Locate the Filter Panel

When designing a search filter system for your NextJS application, it's essential to strategically locate the filter panel to ensure a seamless user experience. The placement of the filter panel can significantly impact how users interact with your search functionality.

Filter Panel Placement Options

Here are some common placement options for the filter panel:

Placement Description
Above the Fold Immediately visible to users as they land on the search results page.
Sidebar or Horizontal Toolbar Provides a dedicated area for filters that doesn't clutter the main search results area.
Separate Screen or Overlay (Mobile) Ensures scalability and ease of use on smaller screens.

7. Provide Clear and Descriptive Labels for Search Filters

When designing a search filter system for your NextJS application, it's essential to provide clear and descriptive labels for search filters. This ensures that users can easily understand the purpose of each filter and make informed decisions about their search queries.

Why Clear Labels Matter

Clear labels for search filters are crucial because they:

  • Help users quickly identify the filters they need

  • Reduce the time spent on searching

  • Increase the likelihood of finding relevant results

  • Lead to higher conversion rates and increased sales

  • Reduce user frustration and negative experiences

Best Practices for Labeling Search Filters

To create effective labels for your search filters, follow these best practices:

Best Practice Description
Use Simple Language Avoid using technical jargon or complex terminology that may confuse users.
Be Specific Use specific labels that clearly indicate what each filter does.
Avoid Ambiguity Ensure that labels are unambiguous and don't have multiple meanings.
Use Consistent Labeling Use consistent labeling throughout your search filter system to create a cohesive user experience.


Implementing these 7 UI/UX best practices for search filters in your NextJS application, you can significantly improve the user experience and drive business outcomes. Well-designed search filters can lead to higher conversion rates, increased customer satisfaction, and reduced bounce rates.

Here are the key takeaways:

Best Practice Description
Choose the right filters and facets Select filters that cater to your users' needs and preferences.
Display search result counts Show users the number of search results to help them plan their search strategy.
Allow filtering and sorting simultaneously Enable users to refine their search results quickly and efficiently.
Make it easy to remove filters Allow users to easily remove filters to refine their search results.
Optimize filters for mobile and desktop use Design filters that cater to both mobile and desktop devices.
Strategically locate the filter panel Place the filter panel in a location that is easily accessible to users.
Provide clear and descriptive labels for search filters Use simple and specific labels that clearly indicate what each filter does.

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