Best Next.js Boilerplate Guide for Front-End Excellence

published on 07 December 2023

Most web developers would agree: setting up a robust Next.js codebase from scratch is tedious and time-consuming.

But what if you could bootstrap your Next.js apps with an open-source boilerplate packed with best practices for performance, SEO optimization, and developer experience?

In this guide, you'll discover the top Next.js boilerplates for 2023, learning how their features like TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, and authentication can help you build high-quality web apps faster.

Introduction to Next.js Boilerplates

Next.js boilerplates provide developers with a solid foundation to build robust web applications quickly. Rather than starting from scratch, these boilerplates offer pre-configured setups for features like routing, state management, CSS frameworks, and more.

Some key benefits of using a Next.js boilerplate include:

  • Accelerated Development: Boilerplates eliminate repeat setup tasks so you can focus on building features. Many options include utilities for rapid prototyping.
  • Best Practices: Boilerplates encourage following proven patterns for structure, file organization, performance optimizations, etc.
  • Standardized Tooling: Consistent tools and workflows ensure smooth collaboration across teams. Popular choices include TypeScript, ESLint, Prettier, etc.
  • Customizability: While boilerplates provide defaults to start, you retain full control to tweak configs to suit your needs.

When selecting the best Next.js boilerplate, consider your tech stack plans, team workflow, and what would offer the best developer experience. Leading options include:

  • Next.js TypeScript Starter: Official Next.js TypeScript example with ESLint, Prettier, and Absolute Imports setup.
  • Next.js Bootstrap Starter: Includes Bootstrap v5 for responsive styling alongside core configs for SEO, SASS, and SSR.
  • Next.js Auth Starter: Bundles login/out flows with MongoDB, React Hook Form, and JSON Web Tokens validation.

I hope this summary clarifies the value of Next.js boilerplates. Let me know if you would like me to elaborate on any specific starter in more detail!

Streamlining Front-End Development with Next.js Boilerplates

Next.js boilerplates can greatly accelerate your front-end development workflow. By providing a ready-made project structure aligned with Next.js best practices, they allow you to bypass repetitive setup tasks and focus on building your application.

In this section, we'll explore the key benefits of leveraging Next.js boilerplates and how they can optimize your development experience.

Spend Less Time on Setup with Next JS Tailwind Boilerplate

The Next JS Tailwind boilerplate merges the utility-first styling of Tailwind CSS with Next.js' performance and SEO advantages.

With Tailwind CSS preconfigured and its class names ready to use, you skip right past the tedious steps of choosing CSS methodologies, configuring PostCSS, and setting up purge/minification. The project structure adheres to Next.js conventions for assets, components, hooks, layouts, pages, styles, and utilities right out of the box.

├── next.config.js
├── public
│   └── favicon.ico
├── src
│   ├── assets
│   │   └── scss
│   │       └── main.scss
│   ├── components
│   │   └── Layout.js
│   ├── hooks
│   │   └── useAuth.js
│   ├── layouts
│   │   └── MainLayout.js
│   ├── pages
│   │   └── _app.js
│   ├── styles
│   │   └── Home.module.css
│   └── utils
│       └── auth.js
├── tailwind.config.js
└── yarn.lock

This allows you to avoid repetitive folder and file creation, freeing up valuable time to build app functionality and business logic.

Some key features include:

  • Integrated with Tailwind CSS using PostCSS
  • Folder structure following Next.js recommendations
  • Essential pages and layouts like _app.js
  • Configured PurgeCSS for optimizing production builds
  • SEO component for managing document head metadata
  • Sass/SCSS styling features

Overall, the Next JS Tailwind boilerplate simplifies project initialization so you can start coding faster.

Built-in Best Practices for Performance and SEO

Beyond the optimized project scaffolding, Next.js boilerplates promote performance and SEO best practices out-of-the-box.

For example, the Next JS Bootstrap boilerplate (which includes Bootstrap instead of Tailwind) applies code splitting, dynamic imports, and immutable data structures for faster page loads.

// Uses Next.js Dynamic Import
const About = dynamic(() => import('../components/About'))

// Uses Immutable Data Structures
const array1 = [1, 2, 3]
const array2 = array1.concat(4) 

// Original array1 is unchanged 
console.log(array1) // [1, 2, 3]

It also configures a custom `` tag to enhance SEO:

class MyDocument extends Document {

  render() {
    return (
      <Html lang="en"> 
           {/* SEO Enhancements */}
           <meta name="description" content={SITE_DESCRIPTION}></meta>
           <meta name="robots" content="index,follow"></meta>
           <meta name="googlebot" content="index,follow"></meta>
           {/* ... */}
          <Main />
          <NextScript />

This ensures your app meets performance budgets and is optimized for search engine crawlers from the start.

Customizable Foundation for Tailored Solutions

While leveraging the established structure of Next.js boilerplates, you retain full control to customize the project to your needs.

You can add additional libraries and tools like:

  • State management with Redux or Recoil
  • Data fetching with SWR
  • UI libraries like Chakra or Material UI
  • Testing suites like React Testing Library, Cypress and Jest
  • Linting with ESLint and Prettier

Build tooling like Webpack, Babel, and ESLint is pre-configured to integrate new additions smoothly. For example, adding Chakra UI:

yarn add @chakra-ui/react @emotion/react @emotion/styled framer-motion

The boilerplate handles bundling and compiling the new dependency seamlessly due to its optimized build setup.

You also have latitude in modifying the folder structure, routing, custom document, and component architecture to your liking. This balance between convention and customization allows creating tailored solutions fitting your exact requirements.

In summary, Next.js boilerplates like Next JS Bootstrap and Next JS Tailwind minimize repetitive setup work so you can build applications faster. Their project scaffolding and performance/SEO optimizations provide a streamlined way to elevate your front-end development. Yet you still retain flexibility to customize the foundation to your specific needs.


Choosing the Perfect Next.js Boilerplate

When starting a new Next.js project, one of the most important decisions is selecting the right boilerplate. The boilerplate serves as the foundation that can either accelerate or hinder your development efforts.

Here we explore key considerations when choosing a Next.js boilerplate, along with top recommendations for different scenarios.

Next.js Tailwind Boilerplate: Style Meets Speed

The Next.js Tailwind boilerplate offers a preconfigured project setup using Next.js and Tailwind CSS for rapid styling.

Benefits include:

  • Optimized build process - With Next.js, pages pre-render for faster initial load. Tailwind's utility classes avoid expensive runtime CSS calculations. Combined, this allows incredibly quick styling without performance tradeoffs.
  • Component-focused structure - The boilerplate uses a components folder to encourage reusable elements. This aligns with Next.js best practices for scalable apps.
  • SEO-ready - Dynamic metadata pulls page titles, descriptions and images for social sharing cards. Easy customization during development.
  • Dark mode support - The Tailwind config enables switching between light and dark themes using CSS classes. Toggling modes is trivial to implement.
  • Integrated tools - ESLint, Prettier, Husky, and CommitLint encourage quality code. Easy GitHub collaboration with proper commit messages.

The boilerplate makes styling Next.js sites painless. For those valuing speed, structure and scale, it's an excellent starting point.

Type Safety with Nextjs TypeScript Boilerplate

For large Next.js apps, Nextjs TypeScript boilerplates leverage static typing for reliability.

Advantages include:

  • Catch errors early - TypeScript identifies problems during compilation that would otherwise cause runtime crashes. This leads to more robust code.
  • Code intelligence - Editors can provide useful hints about available properties, methods and more based on TypeScript type definitions. Coding is faster.
  • Additional structure - Interfaces encourage consistent contracts between components. Types provide semantic meaning. Overall organization improves.
  • Gradual adoption - TypeScript features can incrementally integrate into JavaScript projects. Converting fully can happen over time.

For developers wanting increased rigor around coding, a Nextjs TypeScript boilerplate establishes a solid typed foundation. As applications scale, it becomes indispensable.

Secure Your App with a Next JS Authentication Boilerplate

Handling user accounts involves complexity around signup flows, password encryption, session management and more.

Rather than building this from scratch, Next JS authentication boilerplates offer pre-made solutions:

  • Backend agnostic - Implement auth using Supabase, Firebase, or any preferred backend without changing client code.
  • Secure password handling - Robust password validation, salting and hashing happens behind the scenes. Users stay protected.
  • Session based - Server-side sessions persist logged in state across page reloads for seamless user experiences.
  • SSR friendly - Authentication status integrates with getServerSideProps for secure data fetching on page reloads.

For any app needing user accounts, an authentication boilerplate accelerates development tremendously. Handling sensitive account details is offloaded, letting you focus on core features.

Gain insight into effectively integrating and customizing your chosen Next.js boilerplate, covering essential steps from initiation to deployment.

Effortless Start: Downloading from Nextjs-Tailwind Boilerplate GitHub Repos

Getting started with a Next.js boilerplate from GitHub is quick and easy. Simply navigate to the repo, click the green "Code" button, and copy the HTTPS or SSH URL. Then in your terminal, cd into your projects directory and run:

git clone <copied-url>

For example, to clone the popular Nextjs-Tailwind-Starter boilerplate:

git clone

And you'll have the entire boilerplate code downloaded locally to start building on top of. No need to configure Babel, ESLint, Next.js - it's all set up for you out of the box!

Dependency Management and Installation

Once you have the boilerplate downloaded, it's essential to correctly install all its dependencies before starting development.

Navigate into the cloned directory and run:

npm install

This will install all the packages listed in the package.json file. Many boilerplates like Next.js TypeScript Starter also include a package-lock.json for fixed dependency versions.

Running npm install handles this for you, locking the dependencies based on what the boilerplate developers have tested. Attempting to install different dependency versions can cause unexpected bugs and breakages.

Some key dependencies you'll see include:

  • Next.js - The React framework for production
  • React & ReactDOM - UI library
  • TypeScript - Static typing (optional)
  • Tailwind CSS - Utility-first CSS framework
  • ESLint & Prettier - Linting & code formatting

Tailoring the Boilerplate to Your Project's Needs

While boilerplates provide an excellent starting point, you'll likely need to customize and tweak them to perfectly fit your project.

Some common changes include:

Fortunately, most boilerplates are designed to be adaptable. As you grow familiar with the codebase, you'll recognize areas to personalize for your app.

Running and Debugging Your Boilerplate Setup

With dependencies installed and code tailored, you're ready to validate everything is working.

In your terminal, run:

npm run dev

This will start the Next.js development server on port 3000. Open up http://localhost:3000 and you should see the boilerplate starter template.

If the site doesn't load or you see console errors, first check the terminal output for clues. Common issues include:

  • Missing dependencies - Run npm install again
  • Port 3000 already in use - Choose a different port
  • Outdated packages - Delete package-lock.json and node_modules then reinstall

With practice, integrating and customizing Next.js boilerplates becomes quick and painless. Leverage community starters to accelerate your next project!

Best Practices Recap and Choosing Your Next.js Path

Adopting the best practices when building Next.js applications will ensure long-term maintainability, performance, and scalability. As we've explored, leveraging robust and well-structured Next.js boilerplates is an excellent way to accelerate development while implementing proven patterns from the start.

To recap the key takeaways:

  • Utilize a TypeScript-based boilerplate to enable static type checking and prevent bugs. Popular options include the Next JS Tailwind boilerplate and Nextjs TypeScript boilerplate on GitHub.
  • Incorporate authentication right away with boilerplates like the Next JS authentication boilerplate which has auth baked-in.
  • Style components rapidly by using a boilerplate with Tailwind CSS or Bootstrap already configured, eliminating repetitive CSS work.
  • Follow conventions like file structure, coding standards, environment variables, and API endpoints established by the Next.js framework and community.

When embarking on a new Next.js project, carefully evaluate your application's priorities and constraints before choosing a starter kit. Factors like timeline, required features, team skills, and hosting options will influence the appropriate path. Leverage boilerplate demos to test options firsthand.

With an abundance of high-quality Next.js boilerplates available like the Next JS Bootstrap boilerplate, developers now have incredible power to prototype and ship production-ready Jamstack applications faster than ever before. By relying on the blueprint established by these out-of-box solutions, teams can devote more time to building unique value and custom functionality.

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