Next JS MDX Blog Starter: Effortless Setup Guide

published on 07 December 2023

Most bloggers would agree that setting up a new blog can be complicated and time-consuming.

But with this comprehensive, step-by-step guide on the Next JS MDX Blog Starter, you'll be able to effortlessly deploy and customize your own performant MDX blog.

You'll learn how to install and configure the starter on GitHub, write and organize MDX posts, integrate plugins and services, optimize for SEO, and more - equipping you with everything you need to successfully launch your Next.js powered blog.

Introducing the Next.js MDX Blog Starter

This section provides an overview of the Next.js MDX blog starter, explaining what it is, its key benefits, and why developers should consider using it for their next blog project.

What is the Next.js MDX Blog Starter?

The Next.js MDX blog starter is an open-source, customizable template that allows developers to quickly spin up a blog using Next.js and MDX. It handles complex config and optimizations out of the box, including:

  • Next.js 13 support with zero-config setup
  • Built-in MDX blogging features
  • SEO optimizations like automatic sitemap generation
  • Easy customization with Tailwind CSS
  • Lightning fast build times

With the Next.js MDX blog starter, you can focus on creating content instead of fussing with configuration. It comes pre-loaded with all the necessary dependencies to start publishing MDX-based blog content right away.

Why Choose the Next.js MDX Blog Starter?

There are several key benefits that make the Next.js MDX blog starter a great choice:

Faster Launch Times

Since everything is pre-configured, you can skip over the tedious setup and dive right into creating blog posts. This results in much faster launch times compared to building a blog from scratch.

Built-in SEO Optimizations

The starter includes optimizations like automatic sitemap generation and canonical URLs for better SEO rankings. This saves you development time and effort.

Customizable Styled Components

Easily customize styles using Tailwind CSS without needing to write CSS. Modify fonts, colors, margins and more to match your brand.

Effortless MDX Authoring

MDX makes writing blog posts incredibly fast with its Markdown+JSX syntax. Add interactive components seamlessly without context switching.

Overall, the Next.js MDX blog starter enables rapid development of a production-ready, optimized blog. Its pre-built features allow focusing efforts on creating compelling content rather than performing tedious setup and configurations.

Deploying Your Next.js MDX Blog Starter

Discover the seamless process of taking your Next.js MDX blog from development to live deployment. With a few configuration tweaks and hosting setup, you can launch your content to the world.

Installation and Setup on GitHub

To get started, you'll first want to clone the Nextjs-mdx-blog repository from GitHub.

git clone

This will create a nextjs-mdx-blog directory with the full starter code. Navigate into this directory:

cd nextjs-mdx-blog

Install the dependencies:

npm install

Now you can run the development server:

npm run dev

The starter will be available at http://localhost:3000. From here, you can begin creating MDX blog posts and customizing the app to your needs before deployment.

Configuring Your Blog with Next.js 13 and MDX

Next.js 13 introduced several enhancements for MDX, bringing more configuration options for your blog:

MDX Advanced Configuration

You can tweak the MDX provider in next.config.js:

async rehypePlugins() {
  return [

async remarkPlugins() {
  return [

This allows incorporating plugins like rehype-pretty-code for codeblock styling, rehype-slug to auto-generate heading IDs, and more.

Granular MDX Page Routing

Pages that use getStaticProps() and MDX can now define paths manually:

export const getStaticPaths = () => {
  return {
    paths: [
      { params: { post: 'second-post' } }
    fallback: true 

This allows you to specifically set the paths for a subset of MDX pages.

With these capabilities and more, you have extensive control to customize your Next.js MDX blog for any use case. Once configured, you'll want to deploy to a hosting platform like Vercel or Netlify for production availability.


Setting up a Next.js MDX blog starter from GitHub is straightforward, requiring only basic installation steps before customization. Next.js 13 provides flexible MDX configurations and routing to tweak your blog's functionality. After tailoring to your needs, deploying to a production host will make your content live to the world. With this guide's details, your blog can be up and running in no time!

Customizing Your Next.js MDX Blog Template

This section demonstrates how to personalize your Next.js MDX blog template with themes, plugins, and additional MDX features for a standout blog experience.

Theming Your Blog with Custom Styles

You can customize the look and feel of your Next.js MDX blog by overriding the default styles. Here are some ways to theme your blog:

Using CSS Modules

Next.js supports CSS Modules for component-level styles. To theme your blog:

  • Create a styles directory inside your MDX blog project
  • Add CSS files like global.module.css and import them into components
import styles from '../styles/global.module.css';

export default function Page() {
  return <h1 className={styles.heading}>My MDX Blog</h1>; 

This encapsulates the CSS locally instead of polluting the global scope.

Overriding Styled Components

If your MDX blog uses Styled Components, you can override defaults and customize the theme:

const Heading = styled.h1`
  font-family: ${props => props.theme.fonts.heading};  
  color: ${props => props.theme.colors.primary};

<Heading>My Customized Blog</Heading>

Styled components allow modifying styles through themes.

Using CSS-in-JS

Libraries like Emotion enable CSS-in-JS for flexible styling:

/** @jsx jsx */
import { jsx } from '@emotion/react';

const heading = css`
  font-family: 'Helvetica';
  color: hotpink;  

export default function Home() {
  return <h1 css={heading}>My Funky MDX Blog</h1>;

This dynamically inserts styles at runtime for theming convenience.

Enhancing Functionality with MDX Plugins

MDX supports plugins to add extra functionality like syntax highlighting, embedded media, and interactive elements:

Adding Code Blocks

The MDX pragma allows custom components for code blocks:

```js import CodeBlock from '../components/CodeBlock';

{`// Example code block export default function Home() { return

My MDX Blog

}`} \`\`\`

This renders code snippets with custom styling and features.

Embedding Rich Media

Use the mdx-embed plugin to embed YouTube videos, Tweets, etc.:

```mdx import { YouTube } from "mdx-embed";

My Favorite YouTube Channel


This allows multimedia content without leaving MDX.

Adding Interactivity

The react-live plugin executes code examples:

```mdx import { LiveProvider, LiveEditor, LiveError, LivePreview } from 'react-live';

Interactive Code Demo

Hello World!`}> \`\`\`

This lets readers experiment with code examples interactively.

With custom themes, styling overrides, and MDX plugins, you can build a customized Next.js MDX blog tailored to your brand and needs. The possibilities are endless!


Best Practices for Managing Content in Your Next.js MDX Blog

The Next.js MDX blog framework offers a robust content management system for developers to build feature-rich blogs. By following some key best practices around writing, organizing, and maintaining your MDX content, you can ensure your Next.js blog runs smoothly.

Writing and Organizing MDX Posts

When authoring MDX posts for your Next.js blog, focus on crafting content optimized for your readers. Consider their interests, pain points, and the information they hope to get from your blog.

Some tips for writing optimized MDX posts:

  • Write scannable content with clear headers, concise paragraphs, and bulleted lists for easy skimming.
  • Incorporate multimedia like images, gifs, or even embedded video clips to enhance engagement.
  • Link to related posts to encourage further content discovery.
  • Follow SEO best practices by using target keywords and optimization techniques.

To organize a growing content library, set up a structured system for naming and storing post files. Some ideas:

  • Store posts in folders by category, author, publish date, or other metadata.
  • Name files beginning with publish date and title slug for chronological sorting.
  • Maintain a markdown file with links pointing to all posts to manually curate order.

Leveraging Next.js file-system routing, you can display content in intuitive ways based on this organization system.

Overall, authoring engaging posts tailored to your readers and organizing based on display needs will ensure your MDX content remains easy to maintain over the long run.

Leveraging Advanced Features for Dynamic Content

The MDX framework also unlocks some advanced features through its React integration:

Interactive UI Elements

Sprinkle UI components into posts to create interactive tutorials or demos:

Here is a demo button component:

  label="Click me!"
  onClick={() => alert("Button clicked!")} 

Dynamically Generated Content

Use data, queries, or computations to generate dynamic content:

export const getPosts = async () => {
  // fetch list of posts
  return posts

export default ({posts}) => (
    { => (
      <li key={}>{post.title}</li>

By mixing declarative UI code with MDX markup, you enable advanced workflows like user input handling, data visualization, and more.

Overall, leveraging interactivity and dynamic capabilities can level up your MDX blog content while maintaining simplicity through MDX syntax.

Extending the Next.js MDX Blog Starter

Explore how to take the Next.js MDX blog starter further by integrating additional tools, setting up custom features, and enhancing the overall blogging experience.

Integrating with Other Tools and Services

The Next.js MDX blog starter provides a solid foundation to build upon. Let's look at some ways to integrate additional tools and services:


Adding analytics is crucial to understand your audience and optimize content. Some top options:

  • Google Analytics - The industry standard free platform with powerful features. Integrate with next-ga:
import ReactGA from "react-ga"; 

ReactGA.pageview(window.location.pathname +;
  • Umami - A simple, fast, self-hosted alternative focused on privacy. Embed the umami.js snippet:
<script async defer src=""></script> 


Interactions really bring a blog alive. For comments:

  • Disqus - The popular third-party platform. Pass a disqusShortname prop:
  • React Disqus Thread - A React wrapper for Disqus. Configure the shortname too:


Adding a newsletter subscription is also key. Integrate providers like:

  • Revue
  • Mailchimp
  • Buttondown

Via their React libraries or by embedding forms.

Custom Features and Widgets

Let's explore some custom features to make your MDX blog unique:

Interactive Elements

Spruce up your posts with:

  • Polls & surveys
  • Quizzes & assessments
  • Live chats

Built via React libraries like react-quiz-component or react-chat-widget.

Media Galleries

Showcase photos, graphics, videos, and more using:

  • Lightbox galleries
  • Carousels
  • Fullscreen media players

Powered by react-images, react-slick, or react-player.

Data Visualizations

Present data beautifully with:

  • Charts & graphs
  • Maps
  • Timelines

Using recharts, react-simple-maps, visx, and similar viz libraries.

The starter just scratches the surface. Integrate any React package imaginable to create a unique blogging platform catered to you and your readers!

Next Steps: Building Upon the Basics

After covering the essentials of the Next.js MDX blog starter, this section discusses advanced customization and optimization techniques to elevate your blog.

Optimizing Performance and SEO

When building a Next.js MDX blog, performance and SEO optimization should be top priorities to ensure your content ranks well and provides a seamless user experience for your readers.

Here are some tips for optimizing your Next.js MDX blog:

  • Enable Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR) - This allows pages to be statically generated on demand, keeping content fresh while still being fast. Add revalidate options in getStaticProps.
  • Lazy load non-critical components and images with next/dynamic and next/image. This speeds up initial load by loading only what's needed.
  • Minify HTML output in Next.js config and enable gzip compression on the server. This reduces file sizes for faster loading.
  • Use a CDN like Vercel or Netlify to distribute content globally and speed up load times. They offer optimized performance for Next.js out of the box. - Set proper `rel="canonical"` tags in `` to avoid duplicate content.
  • Add meta descriptions, structure data with JSON-LD, sitemap.xml, and other SEO best practices.
  • Check Core Web Vitals scores for real user performance data and iterate on improvements.
  • Consider adding a CMS like Sanity or Contentful to manage content separately from code. This makes editing easier for non-devs.

By optimizing in these areas, you can achieve lightning fast load times and improve search engine visibility for your Next.js MDX blog.

Custom Development Workflows

One benefit of using Next.js is the ability to customize and scale development workflows to suit your team's specific needs.

When working with an MDX-based Next.js blog, here are some workflow customizations to consider:

  • Abstract MDX rendering into a custom Document component for consistency across posts. Customize plugins here too.
  • Create shared UI components, hooks, helpers to streamline building consistent, branded content.
  • Set up an automated preview workflow with Pull Requests to simplify peer content reviews.
  • Build custom MDX remark/rehype plugins for programmatically modifying content during build.
  • Integrate linting, testing, and Continuous Integration pipelines tailored for your stack.
  • Scaffold custom scripts to batch create new posts, manage media assets, transform legacy content, etc.
  • Structure code with domains, layers, and clean abstractions to encapsulate complexity as you scale up.
  • Consider integrating with a git-based CMS for easier branching/merging of content changes.

By investing in these workflow improvements early on, you can boost team productivity and create a scalable foundation for delivering high quality content over time. The flexibility of Next.js makes customizing to your team's style easy.

Conclusion: Launching a Successful Next.js MDX Blog

Summarizing the Path to Blogging Success

Setting up a Next.js MDX blog can enable developers to quickly and easily create content with React components seamlessly integrated. By following the step-by-step guide outlined here, you can have your own performant blog up and running in no time.

We covered everything from initial setup like installing dependencies and configuring next.config.js, to building out custom page templates and components. With features like image optimization, Markdown rendering, and syntax highlighting configured out of the box, this starter kit accelerates your path to an exceptional blogging experience.

While this guide focused specifically on a basic blog, the true power of Next.js and MDX lies in the ability to further extend functionality through custom components, advanced page layouts, interactive elements, and more. As your application grows, you'll continue benefiting from the developer experience and performance Next.js offers.

So don't wait - leverage the tools and techniques from this guide to build your dream Next.js MDX blog today!

Continued Learning and Community Support

As you continue on your Next.js MDX blogging journey, engaging with the open source community can lead to an invaluable exchange of ideas, troubleshooting tips, and inspiration for taking your project to the next level.

Be sure to check forums like Reddit's r/nextjs and where you can pose questions to an active community and even contribute your own expertise. The official Next.js GitHub Repo also provides great insight into the latest happenings with the framework.

For continued MDX learning, check out resources like the MDX Spec, MDX Blog Starter Github, and Component Libraries like React MDX to further customize your project.

With an empowered understanding of Next.js fundamentals combined with MDX's component-based architecture, your blog will stand out from the competition and scale to meet your wildest content ambitions!

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