Next JS React Boilerplate: Rapid Prototyping Guide

published on 07 December 2023

Most developers would agree:

It's extremely time consuming to set up a React project from scratch for rapid prototyping.

Luckily, Next.js React boilerplates make starting new projects simple and fast. With a good boilerplate, you can be up and running with a configured Next.js app tailored for rapid iteration in just minutes.

In this guide, you'll discover the top Next.js React boilerplates for 2023, including features like built-in Tailwind CSS styling and Express back-ends. You'll learn how to customize these boilerplates to suit your specific prototyping needs, as well as additional tools and tips to further accelerate front-end development.

Introduction to Rapid Prototyping with Next.js React Boilerplates

Rapid prototyping refers to quickly building an early version of a web application to validate ideas and concepts before investing heavily in full development. With the rise of modern web frameworks like Next.js and React, developers now have incredibly powerful tools to prototype at speeds previously unimaginable.

In this post, we'll cover the basics of rapid prototyping, look at why Next.js is so well-suited for it, and discuss how boilerplates can help you accelerate the process even further.

Why Rapid Prototyping Matters

For most projects, you'll want to test core assumptions as early as possible before continuing work. Is there market demand? Will users find value in this product? Rapid prototyping allows you to get those answers efficiently.

By building a simplified prototype, you can put something in front of target users quickly to validate or invalidate key ideas. This ultimately reduces risk and wasted effort by focusing development time on features that matter.

Prototypes also facilitate collaboration and feedback. Stakeholders can interact with something tangible, which leads to better conversations and product decisions.

Next.js for Blazing Fast Prototyping

As a React framework optimized for production, Next.js offers the perfect blend of features for prototyping apps rapidly.

For one, its file-based routing system makes it simple to throw together pages without complex setup. Just create files under /pages and instantly have routes configured.

Next.js also handles crucial optimizations like code splitting automatically, ensuring fast page loads. And integrated API routes make adding backend logic simple without spinng up a separate server.

Finally, Next.js offers built-in support for popular tools like TypeScript and SCSS without additional configuration. You can leverage these to build robust prototypes quickly.

Overall, these capabilities make Next.js a fantastic framework for spinning up performant single page apps fast. You can focus on validating ideas rather than Wrestling with tooling.

Boilerplates - A Headstart on Development

While Next.js accelerates prototyping itself, boilerplates power up the process even more. These open source starter kits come packed with pre-configured tools and UI components out of the box.

By leveraging boilerplates, you skip repetitive setup tasks and get a working prototype with integrated functionality like authentication, global styling, and routing.

For example, the NextJS TypeScript Starter includes utilities for TypeScript, SASS, ESLint, Prettier, Husky, and more all configured seamlessly. This eliminates hours of initial work so you can dive right into building.

Some boileplates also include full component libraries like Tailwind UI or Material UI. This means you can craft professional looking UIs without designer help during the prototyping phase.

Overall, boilerplates enable you to start testing ideas in minutes rather than days. They arm you with all the tools needed to build Next.js apps rapidly.

So in summary, leveraging Next.js and React boilerplates supercharges prototyping. You can validate concepts quicker, get products to market faster, and focus efforts on what truly delivers value for users.

Discovering the Best Next JS Boilerplate 2023 for Rapid Development

Exploring the latest and most efficient Next.js boilerplates for quick project initialization in 2023.

Unveiling the Next JS Tailwind Boilerplate

The Next.js Tailwind CSS boilerplate offers a robust starting point for rapid frontend development leveraging the utility-first Tailwind CSS framework.

Right off the bat, it includes rich page templates like signup flows, dashboard layouts, and more - accelerating UI/UX prototyping. The boilerplate is packed with dozens of customizable Tailwind components from navigation menus to footers. Developers can easily tweak styles like colors, fonts, and spacing using Tailwind's design tokens for rapid iteration.

// Example usage of Tailwind styles 
return (
    className="bg-blue-500 text-white font-bold py-2 px-4 rounded"
    Click Me

Built-in are Next.js best practices like folder structure conventions, environment variable handling, ESLint configuration, and GitHub workflows for continuous integration. These coding standards help teams align on project architecture for scalability.

For state management, the boilerplate uses Recoil which offers a minimal and flexible approach to managing complex application state. It's hooked up and ready to use for fetching data, caching, syncing UI components and more.

Overall, this Next.js Tailwind boilerplate accelerates development for lean and modular frontend applications. Its vast library of components and adherence to industry standards help developers quickly build, iterate and test ideas.

Next.js Material UI Boilerplate: A Design-Forward Approach

The Next.js Material UI boilerplate leverages Google's open-sourced Material Design system for building high-fidelity UIs out-of-the-box.

It includes dozens of pre-made Material-UI components like tables, menus, text fields, buttons, and more. These components come pre-styled with CSS-in-JS, allowing for quick customization and responsiveness.

// Example Material UI component
import Button from '@mui/material/Button';

function App() {
  return (
    <Button variant="contained" color="primary"> 
      Hello World

For rapid prototyping, developers can take advantage of pre-built page templates including signup flows, dashboard layouts, search functionality, and more. This reduces repetitive work reinventing common UI patterns.

The boilerplate is configured for server-side rendering, optimized performance with code splitting, and leverages React Hooks for stateful logic. These features accelerate building complex, data-driven applications.

For teams collaborating, built-in linting and conventions ensure quality and consistency across projects. Easy customization with theme providers helps craft a unique brand style.

Overall the Material UI boilerplate kickstarts development with a robust library of responsive components. The adherence to Google's standardized design language helps craft polished user interfaces faster.

Next.js Express Boilerplate: The Full-Stack Ensemble

The Next.js Express boilerplate offers a complete full-stack solution pairing a frontend Next.js app with Express.js on the backend.

Out-of-the-box, it handles user authentication flows with JSON Web Tokens. Prebuilt are signup, login, forgot password screens connected to protected API routes. These features accelerate building secure web apps.

// Example Express API route
app.get("/profile", authenticateToken, (req, res) => {    

For data persistence, MongoDB integration helps quickly model and query information. Useful scripts handle database connection, seeding sample data, and migration management.

Production-ready configurations for CI/CD, CORS handling, compression, and environmental variables enable smooth project deployment. Built-in request validation, rate limiting, and error handling ensure the API runs smoothly.

Together, the standardized frontend Next.js components and backend Express.js infrastructure provide a complete MVC framework. This full-stack approach streamlines building, connecting and shipping web apps faster.

Top Next.js React Boilerplates for 2023 on GitHub

A curated list of the most popular, well-maintained Next.js React boilerplates available on GitHub that support rapid prototyping.

Next JS Boilerplate 2023 GitHub: The Community's Choice

The Next.js community on GitHub offers some outstanding boilerplates to accelerate your projects in 2023. After analyzing the top trending repositories, here are my top picks:

The Next.js TypeScript Starter by @jpedroschmitz has 18k+ stars making it the most popular Next.js starter on GitHub. It includes:

  • TypeScript
  • ESLint and Prettier
  • Absolute imports and Module path aliases
  • CSS and SASS support
  • Environment variables support

For those wanting to integrate Tailwind CSS, check out the Next.js Starter Tailwind by @oddstronaut with 2.7k+ stars. It features:

  • Tailwind CSS v3
  • TypeScript
  • ESLint, Prettier, Husky, Lint-staged
  • PostCSS, CSS/SCSS modules
  • VS Code configuration
  • Incremental regeneration and caching

I also recommend the Next Right Now boilerplate by @UnlyEd. It has 2.3k+ stars and offers advanced functionality like:

  • GraphQL (Apollo)
  • MongoDB/Redis/ElasticSearch data sources
  • Docker containers
  • Internationalization (i18n)
  • SEO friendly

With its simplicity and rich feature set focused on developer experience, Next Right Now is a great fit for teams building production-ready apps.

Exploring the Nextjs 13 Boilerplate GitHub Repositories

Next.js 13 introduced major improvements like app directory support, new built-in Link components, and incremental static regeneration. Let's explore some notable Next.js 13 boilerplates taking advantage of these latest capabilities:

The Next.js 13 Boilerplate by @ixartz has a clean starting point for trying out latest features. It includes:

  • Next 13 app directory structure
  • TypeScript
  • SASS, CSS Modules
  • Absolute imports
  • ESLint, Prettier
  • Incremental static regeneration

Another solid option is the NextJS 13 Tailwind Starter Blog by @timlrx. On top of Next 13, it incorporates:

  • Tailwind CSS v3.2
  • Responsive design system
  • Markdown based blog built with MDX
  • Light + Dark mode
  • SEO friendly components

Thanks to features like the new next/link component and app directory support, these Next.js 13 boilerplates streamline routing and project structure. The incremental static regeneration also speeds up build times.

Nextjs-Tailwind Boilerplate GitHub: Styling Made Simple

For rapid prototyping, nothing beats Tailwind CSS. It eliminates the need to context switch between HTML and CSS since all classes are available inline. Luckily, there are some awesome Next.js + Tailwind boilerplates on GitHub.

I recommend starting with the Nextjs Tailwind Starter Blog by @timlrx mentioned earlier. It simplifies styling using:

  • Tailwind CSS v3
  • Typography driven design system
  • Customizable components like cards, buttons, code blocks
  • SEO optimized with metadata, JSON-LD and more

Another great styling focused starter is Nextail by @firstclassjs. It features:

  • Tailwind CSS v3 + DaisyUI
  • Multi-language support
  • CMS integration (Sanity, Contentful, etc.)
  • React-Query for data fetching
  • Authentication included

With pre-built UI blocks and utility classes that handle nearly all styling needs, these Next.js and Tailwind boilerplates remove roadblocks to rapidly building well-designed apps. Focus more on functionality and less on presentation details.


Key Benefits of Using a Next.js Boilerplate

Next.js boilerplates can significantly accelerate development by providing pre-configured project templates optimized for productivity, performance, and best practices. Instead of manually setting up configurations, you can instantly start building features.

Saves Setup Time

Boilerplates eliminate the tedious tasks involved with initializing a new web project:

  • Manually wiring up and integrating various libraries/tools like React, JSX, ESLint, Babel, Webpack, etc.
  • Configuring optimizations for production builds.
  • Implementing security measures like CORS, Helmet, rate limiting.
  • Testing and troubleshooting initial setup issues.

By handling this repetitive grunt work for you, boilerplates let developers skip straight to writing code and building features. No time wasted on configuration and infrastructure.

// Example showing boilerplate generated Next.js project structure

├─ .eslintrc.json
├─ .gitignore
├─ next.config.js 
├─ package.json
├─ jsconfig.json
├─ public
│  ├─ favicon.ico
├─ src
│  ├─ pages
│  ├─ styles
│  ├─ components

Standardized Structure

Next.js boilerplates encourage consistency by establishing predefined conventions for project layout. Components, pages, stylesheets, images, and other assets each have a standard location.

This standardized structure makes it easy for developers to navigate projects. When joining an unfamiliar codebase, you can intuitively locate files instead of hunting around. Streamlined organization, naming, and patterns.

Structured conventions also simplify maintenance and updating down the line. Adding new dependencies, features, pages follows consistent workflows. Less surprises or unexpected breakages.

Production-Ready Configs

Out-of-the-box, Next.js boilerplates come pre-configured with optimized production settings for:

  • Performance: Bundling, minification, tree-shaking, compression, caching.
  • Security: Helmet, CORS, rate limiting, CSRF protection.
  • Best practices: Linting, testing, code formatting.
  • Scalability: Dynamic imports, SSG/SSR rendering.
  • Maintainability: Logging, debugging, environmental configs.

Instead of investigating and piecing together various performance tweaks or security measures, developers can directly leverage a vetted, optimized setup. Significantly accelerates the path to production deployment.

The right boilerplate handles all the baseline requirements so engineers can concentrate on delivering features and custom business logic. Rapid prototyping turbocharged.

Customizing Your Next.js Boilerplate for Unique Projects

Steps for modifying and extending boilerplate code to fit your app's specific needs.

Overview of Project Structure

Next.js boilerplates provide an optimized starting point for your applications with a preconfigured folder structure and essential files in place. Getting familiar with this structure will allow you to efficiently find and edit elements to suit your project.

Here is an overview of key folders and files commonly found in Next.js boilerplates:

  • pages - Contains React component files that represent each application page. The file-based routing system maps routes directly to components in this folder.
  • public - Houses static files like images and fonts. Files placed here can be referenced from pages and components.
  • styles - Central location for global stylesheet files. Most boilerplates use CSS Modules for component-specific styling.
  • utils - Shared utility functions live here, like date formatting or data fetching helpers. Keeps logic reused across components in one place.
  • components - Reusable React components are stored here, like buttons, navbars, widgets etc. Gets imported into pages.
  • .env - Environment variables are set in this file, enabling things like API keys without hard coding credentials.

Getting to know these core pieces early on will make personalizing and extending your boilerplate quicker. The file-based routing in particular is key to updating pages.

Editing Configuration

Most boilerplates come with tuned settings and environment variables to optimize performance, development experience, and production builds. Modifying these configuration files to your preferences is a key step.

Key Configuration Files

  • next.config.js - All Next.js configuration happens here, like webpack plugins, TypeScript setup, API routes etc.
  • .env - As mentioned, sensitive keys and environment variables are set here.
  • package.json - Contains all app dependencies. Add additional libraries here.
  • Project readme - Contains setup instructions and guidelines. Update for your use case.

Typical Tweaks

  • API Routes - Update existing routes, create new endpoint handlers for your backend API requests.
  • TypeScript - Adjust TSConfig settings, add types for libraries.
  • TailwindCSS - Customize colors, fonts, breakpoints to your branding.
  • Favicons/Metadata - Generate fresh favicons and update HTML head metadata.

Follow app-specific setup steps outlined in boilerplate readme files when making major changes.

Adding Tools/Libraries

The beauty of Next.js boilerplates is extending their existing feature set by integrating additional tools needed for your unique app.

Here are steps for adding some popular JavaScript frameworks:

Redux + Redux Toolkit

Redux helps manage complex application state across components.

  • Run npm install @reduxjs/toolkit react-redux
  • Create store setup in store.js
  • Create Redux slices for state and actions
  • Import provider wrapper component to allow access across app

Ant Design

An enterprise-level UI library with dozens of customizable components.

  • Run npm install antd
  • Import specific components from library into pages/components
  • Wrap app in ConfigProvider from antd to set theme
  • Check out theming docs to brand components


Tool for visually showcasing and testing React components in isolation.

  • Run npx storybook init
  • Create stories file for each component with variants
  • Run local Storybook server to view components
  • Configure addons like actions/controls for interaction

With just a few steps, these popular libraries can be integrated into your boilerplate. Mix and match tools needed for your specific web app.

Enhancing Rapid Prototyping with Additional Tools and Tips

Beyond boilerplates, additional ways to accelerate development.

Visual UI Editors

Build front-ends fast with drag and drop page builders. NextJS offers robust capabilities for server-side rendering and static site generation, making it a versatile platform. However, visually constructing page layouts and UI elements from scratch can still be time consuming.

Visual editors and page builders help rapidly mockup designs without coding. Popular options like Brix Templates and Shogun integrate with NextJS projects. With drag and drop interfaces and pre-built section blocks, pages come together quickly. Ability to export clean React code maintains development flexibility.

Benefits include:

  • Construct responsive page layouts and UIs without coding
  • Customizable sections, elements, styles, etc.
  • Export clean React code and assets ready for app integration
  • Iterating on designs is fast and visual

Page builders won't write business logic of course. But they do allow focusing efforts on dynamic functionality while having mockups and static assets handled.

Mocking Back-Ends

Fake APIs and data while front-end is developed. When beginning new projects, back-end services may not be ready yet. However, front-end developers still require access to representative APIs and data models.

Mock service tools simulate APIs and databases, facilitating independent front-end work rather than waiting on dependent services. Popular self-hosted options like JSON Server and Mirage JS make mocking backends simple.

Benefits include:

  • Front-end development unblocked from waiting on backend dependencies
  • Mock APIs match intended schemas and endpoints
  • Editable dummy data helps build components requiring state
  • Promotes separation of front and back concerns
  • Smoothes team collaboration across disciplines

Transitioning later to actual services requires only endpoint and schema updates. No wasted effort or unnecessary coupling.

Code Generators

Quickly scaffold common components like forms and tables. Beyond mocking data models, repetitive coding for UI elements like forms, tables, modals remains tiresome. Code generators help bootstrap these standard components extremely quickly.

Options like Generate React CLI install as development dependencies in NextJS projects. Simple commands then output functional React code for various interfaces ready for app integration. Further customization as needed stays abstracted away from business logic.

Benefits include:

  • Reduce repetitive coding for common components
  • Standard UI elements generated quickly
  • Customization handled separately from core app code
  • Accelerates getting ideas to functional prototypes

Freeing developers to focus efforts on app-specific coding leads to greater productivity and innovation.

In summary, combining NextJS boilerplates with additional rapid prototyping tools maximizes development velocity. Page builders, mock backends, and code generators together enable quickly experimenting with functional concepts before expending effort on polished implementations. Accelerating prototyping ultimately speeds up shipping production-ready apps.

Prototyping to Production: Summarizing the Boilerplate Advantage

Next.js React boilerplates provide developers with an excellent starting point for rapidly building prototypes and transitioning them into production applications. By leveraging boilerplates like NextJS Tailwind Starter, developers save immense time and effort compared to starting from scratch.

Some key advantages of using Next.js React boilerplates include:

Accelerated Development Velocity

Boilerplates come pre-configured with workflows for compiled CSS, code splitting, hot reloading, and more. This significantly accelerates the development process from ideation to deployment. Developers can focus efforts on building application functionality rather than configuring build tools.

Optimized Performance

Performance optimization techniques like lazy loading components are already implemented in NextJS boilerplates. This results in faster page load times and improved Core Web Vitals scores.

Responsive Styling Out-of-the-Box

Many boilerplates like Next JS Tailwind boilerplate include styling frameworks such as Tailwind CSS for rapid responsive development. The ability to quickly build mobile-friendly UIs speeds up design iteration.

Scalable Code Architecture

Following best practices, most boilerplates incorporate a structured and modular codebase that scales gracefully as application complexity increases over time. This facilitates maintaining and expanding an app post-launch.

Rapid Iteration Capabilities

Hot module replacement enables developers to view UI changes in real-time without needing manual refreshes. Combined with component-driven design, developers can build, tweak, and test UI rapidly.

SEO Optimizations Included

Many boilerplates offer SEO enhancements out-of-the-box, including optimized metadata, static generation for content sites, and SSR for dynamic apps. This results in higher organic rankings and traffic.

In summary, Next.js React boilerplates empower developers to go from early prototype to production application at warp speed. Leveraging these starters eliminates wasted cycles while structuring codebases for scale. For rapid and robust front-end development, boilerplates are an indispensable asset in a developer's toolkit.

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