Next JS Tailwind Boilerplate: A Developer's Quickstart Guide

published on 06 December 2023

Most developers would agree that building a Next.js app from scratch can be tedious and time-consuming.

Luckily, by leveraging a pre-made Next.js Tailwind boilerplate as your foundation, you can drastically accelerate your development workflow and hit the ground running with a production-ready starter kit.

In this comprehensive guide, you'll discover the key benefits of using a Next.js Tailwind boilerplate in 2023, survey some of the most popular boilerplate projects on GitHub to kickstart your next Jamstack project, and walk through a hands-on implementation guide to see firsthand how these scaffolds can help you build full-stack apps faster.

Introduction to Next.js Tailwind Boilerplates

Next.js Tailwind boilerplates provide developers with a solid foundation to build high-performance web applications quickly. By bundling Tailwind CSS with Next.js, these starter kits offer a streamlined workflow optimized for rapid UI development and shipping features faster.

In this introductory section, we'll briefly touch on:

  • What Tailwind CSS brings to the table
  • Benefits of combining it with Next.js
  • How boilerplates accelerate development
  • What we'll cover in this guide

What is Tailwind CSS?

For those unfamiliar, Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework for rapidly styling web interfaces. Instead of opinionated pre-designed components, Tailwind provides low-level utility classes for color, spacing, layout, etc. This allows developers to build completely custom UIs fast while keeping their CSS lean.

Some key advantages of Tailwind include:

  • Rapid prototyping and development
  • Easy customization
  • Enforces consistency and design constraints
  • Purges unused styles in production builds

By leveraging Tailwind with Next.js, you compound these benefits for blazing fast shipping times.

Next.js + Tailwind = 🚀

Next.js is a React framework for server-rendered React applications. Features like optimized pre-rendering and automatic code splitting make it a top choice for React developers.

Combining it with Tailwind CSS brings the best out of both worlds:

Benefits include:

  • Extremely fast UI development workflow
  • Reusable components + design system potential
  • Out-of-the-box optimizations
  • Easy deployment

Together these technologies supercharge development velocity - allowing you to launch high-quality sites in record times.

The Power of Boilerplates

Next.js Tailwind boilerplates give you a configured, production-ready starter kit so you can bypass the tedious setup and focus on cranking out features.

These starters have Next.js, Tailwind, and relevant libraries already integrated following best practices. Just clone, tweak configs to preference, import components, and start pumping out pages in minutes!

Some things boilerplates can jumpstart:

  • Project structure
  • Configs for Tailwind, PostCSS, Babel
  • Code linting with ESLint and Prettier
  • Component library foundations
  • Folder organization
  • Deployment workflows

They provide an organized launchpad aligned to hit the ground running!

What We'll Cover

In the following sections we'll do a deep dive into one of the highest rated Next.js Tailwind boilerplates - exploring:

  • Installation and project setup
  • File structure walkthrough
  • Config explanations
  • Useful UI components/patterns
  • Building sample page templates
  • Deployment options

We'll experience first-hand how these starters can slash hours off development timelines and equip you to ship at lightning speeds!

So buckle up for a hands-on guide to rapid fullstack app development with Next.js and Tailwind 🚀

Benefits of Using a Tailwind Boilerplate in 2023

Using a Tailwind boilerplate can provide several key benefits for developers in 2023 looking to build sites and web apps efficiently. Quality boilerplates like Next.js Tailwind CSS Example integrate Tailwind with modern frameworks like Next.js and have best practices baked in.

Saves Setup Time

Tailwind boilerplates have the CSS framework and other libraries pre-configured so you can skip repetitive setup steps. For example, the popular Next.js Tailwind CSS Example boilerplate has Tailwind CSS integrated with PurgeCSS for optimized production builds. This saves you time since Tailwind and PurgeCSS can be tedious to properly configure.

Quality boilerplates also handle Next.js framework configuration out of the box with folder structure, sample pages and components ready to go. You can instantly start building without configuring Babel, Webpack and other complex steps required in Next.js apps.

Best Practices Baked-In

Experienced developers have designed these Tailwind boilerplates to follow the latest standards and development workflows.

For example, the Next.js Tailwind CSS Example uses styled-jsx for component-scoped CSS instead of global stylesheets. This results in better code organization and speeds up development.

These boilplates also demonstrate how to properly purge unused Tailwind CSS for optimized production builds, a best practice but non-trivial to implement.

By using an up-to-date boilerplate as your foundation, you benefit from these baked-in best practices instead of reinventing the wheel.

Customizable Foundation

While boilerplates provide a solid starting point, they are designed for extension and customization. For example, the Tailwind configuration file can be edited to add custom variants or new color palette.

Most boilerplate components are purposely basic to demonstrate Tailwind classes. You can easily swap these out with your own custom components styled with Tailwind as needed.

In essence, quality Tailwind boilerplates like Next.js Tailwind CSS Example give you an optimal foundation to then build upon. They handle the complex config so you can focus on crafting the unique design and features your project requires.

This customizable foundation with baked-in best practices is why Tailwind boilerplates are extremely popular starting points for sites and apps in 2023. They provide a future-proof way to develop Next.js projects faster.

Exploring Next.js Tailwind Boilerplate Examples on GitHub

Next.js and Tailwind CSS have become a popular tech stack for building web applications. When starting a new Next.js project, leveraging an existing boilerplate or starter template can help developers skip repetitive setup and configuration steps, allowing them to start coding application functionality faster.

In this post, we'll explore some of the most starred Next.js Tailwind boilerplates on GitHub to help you evaluate different options and quickly bootstrap your next web project.

Next.js Typescript-Boilerplate on GitHub

Next.js Typescript-Boilerplate is a robust starter template with over 2.7k GitHub stars. It includes:

  • Next.js 13
  • Tailwind CSS v3
  • TypeScript
  • ESLint and Prettier
  • Husky and Lint Staged

This boilerplate enforces best practices like linting, formatting, and commit hooks out-of-the-box. The well-structured codebase serves as an excellent starting point for enterprise scale Next.js applications.

Some key highlights:

  • Flexible build system - Supports server side rendering (SSR) and static site generation (SSG) modes. - **SEO friendly** - Dynamic `` tags, OpenGraph and Twitter meta tags.</x-turndown>
  • Internationalization - Built-in i18n routing and language switching.
  • Theming - Customizable Tailwind CSS theme configuration.
  • Testing - Jest, React Testing Library and Cypress tests.

To quickly run this boilerplate:

npx create-next-app my-app -e

The Typescript-Boilerplate strikes a balance between simplicity and extensibility for larger scale apps. The strict typing and robust tooling ensures quality, while still providing ample flexibility to build upon.

The Minimalist Next.js Tailwind Starter

Minimal Next.js Tailwind Starter takes a simpler approach with a lightweight codebase. It has over 700 stars on GitHub.

This boilerplate contains just the core libraries required to launch a basic Next.js Tailwind project:

  • Next.js 13
  • Tailwind CSS v3.2
  • PostCSS 8
  • ESLint and Prettier

The minimal setup skips complex configurations making it well suited for rapid prototyping and launching MVP versions quickly. Less code also makes it easier for newcomers to understand and customize.

To use this starter:

npx create-next-app nextjs-tailwind -e 

While simplistic, the starter still utilizes best practices like linting and code formatting out-of-the-box speeding up development.

Some ways to extend it:

  • Add Typescript
  • Configure custom Tailwind CSS themes
  • Set up React component testing
  • Add internationalization

Overall this boilerplate achieves the core setup for Next.js Tailwind projects in under 100 lines of configuration!

Comprehensive T3 Stack Next.js Starter

Developers looking for a more comprehensive Next.js Tailwind boilerplate with batteries included capabilities may want to checkout Next.js T3 Stack Starter.

This starter includes the entire T3 stack:

  • Next.js - React framework
  • Tailwind - Styling
  • tRPC - API routes and React Query
  • Prisma - Database ORM
  • PlanetScale - MySQL database
  • NextAuth - Authentication
  • Testing - Jest, React Testing Library, Cypress

With the T3 stack you can build full-fledged web apps with user accounts, databases, APIs, and UI without having to integrate separate libraries. Everything works smoothly together out-of-the-box.

Some highlights:

  • Modern UX with Tailwind UI components
  • Feature rich admin dashboard
  • Customizable theme engine
  • Internationalized routing
  • GraphQL Codegen for TypeScript types

Get started with:

npx create-t3-app my-app

The comprehensive feature set allows immediately diving into app functionality instead of setting up infrastructure. Scalable with enterprise needs in mind as well.

Downsides may be too much code for simpler use cases leading to unnecessary complexity. Overall a great way to build fully fledged apps quickly with the T3 stack.



When starting a Next.js Tailwind project, consider what boilerplates can help expedite your web development workflow. The options covered provide solid starting points whether desiring simplicity, scalability or a batteries included full stack.

Evaluate your project goals, team skills and complexity requirements when deciding on a starter template. This can help avoid unnecessary setup and allow focusing efforts on building application functionality from day one.

Hands-On Example: Building a Next.js App with a Tailwind Boilerplate

Step-by-step implementation guide for creating a simple Hello World app with a Next.js Tailwind boilerplate.

Scaffold New App with Next.js Boilerplate 2023

Let's get started by scaffolding a new Next.js project using create-next-app and the Next.js TypeScript Template with Tailwind CSS included:

npx create-next-app@latest --example with-tailwindcss my-app

This will generate a new Next.js app configured with Tailwind CSS, TypeScript, ESLint, and other tools in the my-app directory. We can then cd into the project:

cd my-app

Now we have a production-ready Next.js boilerplate configured with popular tools like Tailwind, TypeScript, ESLint, and more out of the box! 🚀

Explore Project Structure

Here's an overview of some key directories and files in our generated boilerplate app:

  • pages/ - This is where we define all our app routes and page components in Next.js. Pages are automatically server-side rendered and indexed by default.
  • public/ - Static assets like images can be stored here and referenced directly. This folder is mapped to the root.
  • styles/ - Global styles and Tailwind CSS configuration.
  • tsconfig.json - TypeScript configuration.
  • .eslintrc.json - ESLint configuration for linting TypeScript.

Run Development Server

With our boilerplate app generated, we can now run the local development server with:

npm run dev

This will start the Next.js dev server at http://localhost:3000. Any changes we make will auto reload the browser. Perfect for rapid development!

We should now see our bare bones starter app running.

Create Your First Page

Let's demonstrate a simple page by adding a HelloWorld.tsx page component in pages/hello-world.tsx:

export default function HelloWorld() {
  return (
      <h1 className="text-3xl font-bold underline">
        Hello World!

This defines a React function component that returns some JSX.

Now we can navigate to http://localhost:3000/hello-world and should see our header rendered!

We just implemented our first page in Next.js leveraging the Tailwind boilerplate for styling. From here you can start building out more pages and features as needed!

Some ideas:

  • Add a reusable Navbar component
  • Create an API route to fetch data
  • Set up authentication with NextAuth.js
  • Connect a CMS like Sanity or Contentful

The boilerplate gives us the foundations to quickly iterate on features using Next.js best practices.

Customizing and Extending Your Next.js Tailwind Boilerplate

Tips for tailoring starter code to match project-specific styles, features, data models, and more.

The Next.js Tailwind boilerplate provides an excellent starting point for developing a web application. However, most real-world projects require some level of customization and extension beyond the base boilerplate code. This guide explores tips for adapting the boilerplate to fit your app's specific needs.

Theming with Tailwind

Override default Tailwind theme colors and fonts by editing tailwind.config.js.

The Tailwind CSS framework includes default configuration for colors, fonts, border radius, spacing, and more. However, you can easily customize these theme values by editing the theme section of tailwind.config.js.

For example, to update the default primary color from blue to purple:

// tailwind.config.js
module.exports = {

  theme: {
    extend: {
      colors: {
        primary: '#5e50f9',

Now any utilities like bg-primary or text-primary-500 will use purple shades instead of blue.

You can also specify new font families, border radius values, margin/padding spacing, and more here. Tailwind makes theming intuitive.

Adding UI Libraries and Components

Integrate popular React component libraries like Material-UI, Chakra-UI, React Bootstrap, Ant Design, and more.

The Next.js Tailwind boilerplate includes only basic HTML elements and very minimal CSS for styling. To build a modern, responsive web app, you'll likely want to leverage pre-built React component libraries.

Some popular options include:

  • Material-UI - Provides pre-built React components that implement Google's Material Design system. Easy to theme, great documentation.
  • Chakra UI - Component library that is designed to work seamlessly with Next.js. Based on the Tailwind CSS utility classes.
  • React Bootstrap - One of the most mature React component libraries, includes over 100 components built with Bootstrap styles and functionality.

To add a component library, simply install via NPM and import the desired components into your app pages and components. Be sure to review the library's documentation regarding setup and theming.

Combining reusable components with Next.js and Tailwind makes building web UIs fast and efficient!

Connecting Data Sources

Hook up headless CMS, GraphQL, REST API, or database integrations.

Most data in Next.js applications comes from an external source like:

  • Headless CMS (Contentful, Strapi, GraphCMS)
  • REST or GraphQL APIs
  • Databases (MongoDB, PostgreSQL)

The Next.js Tailwind boilerplate includes a few examples fetching data from fake or static JSON files. To connect real backends:

Headless CMS

Install the CMS provider's Node library and import the pre-built React hook. Fetch content using useContentful, useStrapi, etc.


Use Next.js API routes to connect Apollo Client for GraphQL. Call API route from getStaticProps or getServerSideProps.


Choose SWR or React Query for data fetching. Use API routes or directly call API from client-side hooks.


Setup MongoDB, SQLite, or PostgreSQL integration using Next.js API routes. Return data to page components via props.

Some additional work is required to connect real data sources, but the patterns are consistent across apps. Refer to Next.js docs for examples.

Wrapping Up: The Power of Next.js Tailwind Boilerplates

In conclusion, Next.js Tailwind boilerplates supercharge development by providing an optimized, standardized foundation for React projects. While coding from complete scratch offers maximum control, quality starters save considerable time and align with modern best practices out of the box.

We encourage you to experiment with the options covered here to find your perfect Next.js Tailwind boilerplate starting point. With robust offerings like Next.js Typescript Boilerplate and Next.js Tailwind GitHub, developers can hit the ground running.

The best Next.js Tailwind boilerplates help you skip repetitive setup and configuration tasks so you can focus on building amazing apps. They provide:

  • Optimized file structures
  • Built-in testing frameworks
  • Tailwind CSS / styled-components
  • TypeScript support
  • And more!

While every project has unique needs, leveraging these time-saving starters eliminates tons of grunt work. Just clone, customize, and code!

We hope this quickstart guide has shed light on picking the right Next.js Tailwind boilerplate. By aligning with your tech stack needs and project goals, these handy starters let you develop faster and better. Now discover your perfect match and start building!

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