Next Starter Integration Tips

published on 17 January 2024

Integrating Next.js starters can streamline development, but effectively merging them into projects takes careful planning.

By following key integration tips, you can seamlessly leverage starters to accelerate building apps with Next.js.

This post covers critical techniques for integrating popular starters, from setup and configuration to customization, deployment, and maintenance.

Introduction to Next.js Starters

Next.js starters are boilerplate projects and templates that allow developers to skip repetitive setup tasks and start building applications faster. They come preconfigured with frameworks, libraries, folder structures, routing, and other components that comprise typical Next.js projects.

In this post, we'll cover:

  • What Next.js starters are and how they work
  • Benefits of using starters for development workflows
  • Overview of popular open source Next.js starter kits

Understanding the Next JS starter template

Next.js starters are generated from command line tools like create-next-app. This scaffolds a Next.js project with:

  • React framework
  • Configured Babel, ESLint, Jest
  • Basic pages and components
  • Built-in routing system

Some examples of common starters:

  • npx create-next-app - Default starter from Vercel
  • npx create-next-app --typescript - TypeScript version
  • npx create-next-app --example - Starters with frameworks preconfigured

Advantages of Next JS starter code for development workflows

Using Next.js starters can accelerate development by:

  • Eliminating repetitive setup and configuration
  • Providing folder structure best practices out-of-the-box
  • Including useful dependencies like testing and linting
  • Allowing developers to focus on building features instead of infrastructure

This results in faster prototyping, quicker MVP launches, and more time spent on coding rather than environment setup.

There are many open source Next.js starters that extend the default template:

  • Vercel Next.js - Official starter from Next.js creators
  • Next.js TypeScript Starter - Adds TypeScript support
  • Next.js Material Kit - Material UI components and theme
  • Next.js SEO Starter - Optimized for search engines

These starters help developers avoid decision fatigue when evaluating different libraries and tools to include. They can simply choose a starter closest to their needs and customize from there.

What does next start mean?

Next start is used to run a Next.js application in production mode. This requires first running next build to generate the production build artifacts.

Some key things to know about next start:

  • It starts the Next.js application in production mode, meaning bundle optimization and caching are enabled for best performance.
  • The application files need to be built first using next build before next start can be used. This builds the optimized production code.
  • Using next start is recommended for running Next.js apps in production over next dev which runs in development mode.
  • Additional configuration can be done in next.config.js to customize the production server, headers, redirects, rewrites and more.

Here is an example workflow for deploying a Next.js app to production using next start:

next build
next start

This will:

  • Build the production application code
  • Start the Node.js server in production mode

The app is now running with performance optimizations enabled and ready to serve real users.

So in summary, next start runs the Next.js app in optimized production mode after assets are built by next build. This is the recommended way for serving apps in production. It unlocks additional performance gains and configuration compared to development mode.

What is Next.js used for?

Next.js is commonly used for building full-stack web applications with React. Here are some of the key things it offers:

Server-Side Rendering

Next.js pre-renders pages on the server before sending them to the browser. This results in better performance and SEO. The two rendering modes are:

  • Static Generation - Pages are generated at build time.
  • Server-side Rendering - Pages are rendered on each request.
export async function getStaticProps() {
  // Fetch data at build time

Routing and Page-based Navigation

Next.js has file-system based routing. Pages are associated with a route based on their file name and location. This makes navigation intuitive.

    first-post.js // -> /blog/first-post
    index.js // -> /blog

API Routes

Next.js allows creating API endpoints as serverless functions. This is useful for backend logic.

export default function handler(req, res) {
  // API logic  

So in summary - Next.js handles routing, page rendering, and APIs out of the box. This makes it a great choice for full-stack apps with React.

Is Next.js the same as React?

No, Next.js is not the same as React. Here is a quick overview of the key differences:

  • React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It lets you create reusable UI components to build complex web applications.

  • Next.js is a React framework that provides additional features like:

  • Server-side rendering

  • Automatic code splitting

  • Simple page routing

  • Built-in support for CSS and Sass

  • Fast refresh for rapid development

So in summary:

  • React is the view layer library
  • Next.js is a framework built on top of React

Next.js includes React under the hood, but also extends it with additional capabilities needed for production web applications.

Some key benefits Next.js provides over using React alone:

  • Faster initial page loads - Next.js pre-renders pages on the server, sending fully rendered HTML to the browser. This avoids loading blank white pages on initial requests.
  • Simplified routing - File-system based routes and automatic code splitting removes much configuration complexity.
  • Optimized production builds - Next.js handles bundling, minification, cache headers and more to optimize assets for production.
  • Rapid development - With Fast Refresh and zero-config support for popular tools like TypeScript, ESLint, Jest and more, Next.js accelerates iteration.

So in summary, Next.js gives you the React component model plus a complete framework optimized for building web applications. It supercharges React development with a powerful set of additional features.

Should I learn React or Next.js first?

Learning React first can provide a solid foundation before diving into Next.js. Here are some key points:

  • React focuses solely on the view layer, while Next.js is a full framework that handles routing, server-side rendering, etc. Understanding React's component model and hooks will transfer over smoothly to Next.
  • Next.js uses React under the hood. So learning React will help grasp many Next.js concepts like JSX, state management, effects, etc.
  • Starting with React allows concentrating on core UI building blocks without getting overwhelmed by the entire Next.js feature set.

However, in some cases starting with Next.js may be preferable:

  • If building a static site, server-rendered app, or one requiring advanced routing, Next.js handles these out of the box.
  • For very simple UIs, diving into React specifics may be overkill vs. using Next.js higher-level abstractions.
  • Developers experienced with other frameworks like Angular or Vue may prefer going directly to Next.js.

So in summary, the best path depends on your background and project goals. Those newer to web development may benefit most from beginning with React fundamentals. While for more complex apps involving server-side rendering, Next.js may be the optimal starting point.

Setting Up Your Next.js Starter Environment

Using 'create-next-app' for rapid setup

The create-next-app command provides a quick way to generate a Next.js project with sensible defaults. Here is a step-by-step guide to using it:

  • Ensure Node.js is installed on your system
  • Open a terminal and run:
npx create-next-app my-app
  • This will create a new Next.js app in the my-app directory
  • Navigate into the project:
cd my-app
  • Install dependencies:
npm install
  • Start the development server:
npm run dev

The app will now be running at http://localhost:3000. From here you can begin customizing it by modifying source code in the pages/ directory.

Some additional tips:

  • Use the -e flag to select a template, like npx create-next-app -e with-tailwindcss
  • Pass -ts to generate a TypeScript project
  • Add -example to bootstrap from Next.js official examples

Configuring TypeScript with 'create next-app --typescript'

Using the --typescript flag generates a Next.js app with TypeScript configured:

npx create-next-app --typescript

This sets up everything needed to start writing TSX code:

  • tsconfig.json for TypeScript configuration
  • Sample TypeScript React page and API endpoint
  • Strict ESLint rules tuned for TypeScript
  • Type definitions for Node.js and React

To enable auto-completion, install the TypeScript Vue Plugin in your editor.

Some tips when working with TypeScript in Next.js:

  • Use interface for PropTypes instead of PropTypes.shape()
  • Leverage Generics for type safety with API data
  • Use // @ts-ignore comments judiciously to bypass type checking where needed

Leveraging 'Yarn create next-app' for package management

Yarn is an alternative package manager for Node.js. Some benefits over npm:

  • Faster installs with parallelization
  • Caching for repeat installs
  • More secure with checksums

To use Yarn for creating a Next.js app:

yarn create next-app my-app

This is equivalent to running create-next-app with npm.

Yarn can also install TypeScript support:

yarn create next-app --typescript

When generating apps with Yarn, dependencies will be installed using Yarn instead of npm.

Choosing between 'create-next-app npm' and other package managers

The create-next-app command works seamlessly with either npm or Yarn. Reasons to choose one over the other:


  • npm is installed by default with Node.js
  • Wide community support and documentation


  • Faster installs than npm
  • More secure with checksums
  • Useful CLI commands


  • Efficient handling of duplicate packages
  • Hardlink based installs

When starting a Next.js project, any of these package managers can be used. Evaluate their tradeoffs and choose the one that best fits your needs.


Integrating Starters into Projects

Integrating Next.js starters into new or existing projects can accelerate development, but doing so seamlessly requires some strategic planning. Here are best practices for merging starters into apps built with other frameworks or vanilla JS.

Merging starters into existing apps

When bringing a Next.js starter into an existing codebase built with another framework like React or Vue, focus on importing individual components rather than entire page structures. This allows you to take advantage of the UI elements and layouts from the starter without having to refactor your routing and application architecture.

Some key steps:

  • Identify the specific starter components you want to reuse (headers, footers, cards, etc.)
  • Check for conflicts between UI libraries or versions
  • Export the components individually from the starter
  • Import them into your project and render as needed

For example:

// Button.js component from starter
export default function Button({text}) {
  return <button>{text}</button> 

// Import into project
import Button from './Button'; 

// Render 
<Button text="Submit" />

This focused approach is preferable over importing entire pages when merging into existing apps.

Organizing projects with page-based structures and dynamic routes

When building a Next.js project from scratch with a starter, lean into conventions like page-based organization and dynamic routing to craft a scalable architecture.

Best practices include:

  • Group related pages/components into common folders
  • Use index.js files for route handling
  • Build reusable layout components
  • Create API endpoints to handle data
  • Implement getStaticProps and getServerSideProps for pre-rendering
  • Configure dynamic routes with path parameters

For example:


This structure surfaces related code easier as the app grows.

Selecting free Next JS templates for a quick start

If launching a simple marketing site or MVP, free Next.js starter templates can provide all the scaffolding needed to skip right to adding custom content.

When evaluating options:

  • Check included features against project requirements
  • Assess documentation quality
  • Verify responsive layouts
  • Test component customization
  • Evaluate SEO optimizations
  • Consider long-term support

The NextJS Material Kit is a full-featured free starter for quickly building marketing sites.

Importing individual components

Beyond entire page structures, starters also provide standalone React components that can be pulled into existing apps only where needed.

This is an easy way to tap into pre-built UI elements like:

  • Headers
  • Hero sections
  • Content cards
  • Comment components
  • Footers

The benefit is gaining complex components without adding unnecessary scaffolding. For example, grab the comments component from a blog starter without importing its blog routing structure.

Follow the same component export/import flow covered for merging starters into alternate frameworks. Identify desired components in the starter, check for conflicts, export individually, import into your project, and render as needed.

Customizing and Extending Starters

Tailoring starters to meet specific project needs is key for an efficient development workflow. Here are some tips for customizing key aspects of Next.js starters:

Tailoring Built-in CSS and Sass support

Next.js provides built-in support for CSS and Sass which can be configured or replaced:

  • Edit next.config.js to customize CSS loading order, adding plugins like postcss
  • Replace default CSS files in /styles folder
  • Add Sass preprocessor support

For example:

// next.config.js
module.exports = {
  sassOptions: {
    includePaths: [path.join(__dirname, 'styles')],

Then import Sass files instead of CSS:

import './styles/global.scss'

Enhancing pages with Pre-rendering, static generation, and server-side rendering

Leverage Next.js rendering methods like Static Generation and Server-side Rendering to improve performance:

  • Use getStaticProps/getStaticPaths for pre-rendering content at build time
  • Implement getServerSideProps to render pages per request

For example:

export async function getStaticProps() {
  // Fetch data at build time
  return {
    props: {

Further customize rendering options in next.config.js.

Expanding functionality with API routes and Client-side routing

Add custom API endpoints with API routes and manage client-side page transitions with next/link:

  • Create handler functions in /pages/api to handle API requests
  • Use next/link and apply custom routing

For example:

// pages/api/example.js
export default function handler(req, res) {
  // API logic
  res.status(200).json({ name: 'John Doe' })

This keeps API logic separate from UI components.

Incorporating Modern CSS Reset and Tailwind CSS for design

For rapid styling, use CSS frameworks like Tailwind CSS and Modern CSS Reset:

  • Add Tailwind and Modern CSS Reset to project
  • Extend Tailwind theme customization as needed
  • Reset base styles uniformly with Modern CSS Reset

For example:

// Import statement
import "modern-css-reset" 

// Tailwind class
<h1 className="text-lg font-bold">Hello world!</h1>

This simplifies styling using utility classes and resets base CSS.

In summary, Next.js provides many options for extending starters to suit project requirements - from CSS customization to advanced rendering methods and routing. Leveraging these built-in features helps accelerate development.

Deploying Apps with Starters

Deploying Next.js apps built with starters can streamline the process thanks to built-in configurations for popular platforms like Vercel, Netlify, and AWS. Here are some tips for seamless deployments.

Streamlining Vercel deployments with Next.js

Vercel has first-class support for Next.js. By using the Vercel CLI and linking your project, you can deploy your Next.js app with one command:

vc deploy

Vercel detects that you are using Next.js and will automatically configure optimal settings like:

  • Automatic builds and deploys on Git push
  • Smart routing
  • Edge caching

Using a Next.js starter template already has the Vercel configuration file needed to customize your deployment.

Configuring Netlify deployments for Next.js starters

To deploy a Next.js starter on Netlify:

  • Push your Next.js starter code to a Git repository like GitHub.
  • Sign up for a Netlify account and connect your Git repository.
  • Set the build command to:
npm run build
  • Set the publish directory to out.

That's it! Netlify will automatically detect Next.js and use optimal settings for routing, caching, etc.

Leveraging AWS Infrastructure for Next.js app deployment

AWS offers multiple services like S3, CloudFront, and Elastic Beanstalk to host Next.js apps. Using a starter template can help configure deployments to AWS.

Some good options are:

  • Vercel to AWS - Redirect Vercel builds to AWS S3/CloudFront
  • Next.js AWS Lambda - Serverless Next.js app on AWS Lambda
  • Next.js Elastic Beanstalk - Auto-scaled Next.js hosting

Optimizing performance with caching strategies

To improve site speed, leverage caching features included with most Next.js starter kits:

  • Static Generation - HTML pages are generated at build time.
  • Stale While Revalidate - Serve cached pages first.
  • CDN Caching - Add a global CDN like Cloudflare.
  • Redis Caching - Low-latency in-memory cache.

Following caching best practices can significantly boost site performance.

Maintaining and Updating Starters

Keeping starter dependencies current and handling updates over time is critical for maintaining a smooth development workflow. Here are some tips for managing updates with create-next-app and Yarn, handling integrations, troubleshooting issues, and maintaining custom forks.

Managing dependencies with 'create-next-app npm' and Yarn

Package managers like npm, Yarn, and pnpm help manage starter dependencies:

  • Use npm update or yarn upgrade to update packages
  • Configure package.json scripts to simplify updates
  • Consider using a monorepo structure for easier management
  • Employ tools like Renovate to automate dependency updates

For example:

"scripts": {
  "update": "renovate update && yarn install", 
  "test": "jest" 

Seamlessly handling updates and integrations

When updating starters or integrating changes:

  • Review release notes and changelogs
  • Test locally before deploying changes
  • Employ continuous integration (CI) to catch issues early
  • Modularize custom code for easier updates

For example:

// Integrate plugin

import plugin from 'plugin';

function MyComponent() {
  return <plugin.Component> 

Troubleshooting common issues with Next.js starters

Common issues when updating NextJS starters include:

  • Dependency conflicts
  • Breaking changes
  • Deprecation warnings
  • Build failures

Fixes include:

  • Check console output for details
  • Compare dependency versions
  • Review changelogs
  • Revert or pin dependencies
  • Fix compilation issues

For example:

error - React version mismatch

// Fix
yarn add react@latest react-dom@latest

Maintaining custom forks and templates

To maintain customized starters:

  • Modularize custom code
  • Track changes in a separate branch
  • Rebase frequently onto upstream
  • Automate tests to catch issues
  • Use changesets to manage versioning

Doing this streamlines integrating updates from the original starter.

Advanced Starter Integration Techniques

Exploring more complex integration scenarios for experienced developers.

Setting up a Monorepo with Turborepo

Turborepo is a great tool for managing monorepos with multiple Next.js starters. Here are some tips for setting it up:

  • Initialize a new Turborepo using npx create-turbo
  • Create multiple Next.js apps in the apps/ folder
  • Share common code in packages/
  • Set up tasks to build, test, and deploy all apps
  • Utilize caching for faster builds
  • Configure Turborepo to optimize DX Platform workflows

For example:

yarn build // builds all apps
yarn test // runs tests for all apps
yarn deploy // deploys all apps

With Turborepo caching and parallel builds, rebuilds are lightning fast when changing code.

Implementing Analytics and SEO with Next.js starters

It's important to set up analytics and optimize SEO from the start when creating a Next.js app.

  • Use tools like LogRocket or Google Analytics for analytics
  • Implement next/image and next/font for optimal SEO
  • Configure custom document meta tags
  • Create dynamic routes for better indexing
  • Pre-render pages for better performance

This ensures your app has the data and discoverability needed to succeed.

Optimizing with Remote Caching and Storage solutions

Remote caching and storage can improve Next.js starter performance:

  • Use Vercel Edge Cache or Cloudflare Cache for edge caching
  • Choose storage solutions like Supabase or Firebase
  • Configure caching and storage with Environment Variables
  • Set optimal cache control headers
  • Implement image optimization and compression

Properly configured, these speed up sites by reducing server load.

Automating Tasks with Husky and commitlint

Husky and commitlint automate workflows:

  • Husky runs tasks on git hooks like pre-commit
  • commitlint checks commit messages
  • Set up lint-staged to lint files on commit
  • Configure tasks like formatting, testing, builds
  • Makes development workflows smooth

For example:

yarn add -D husky
yarn husky install
yarn husky add .husky/pre-commit "yarn lint-staged"

This automatically lints and tests code on commits.

Top Next.js Starters for Various Use Cases

An overview of the most popular open-source Next.js starters tailored for different project needs. These starters provide a solid foundation to build upon for a variety of use cases.

The Official Create Next App Starter

The Create Next App command is the official way to create a Next.js app. It handles all the build configuration and comes with features like:

  • Built-in TypeScript Support
  • Fast Refresh
  • File-system Routing
  • API Routes

To create a Next.js app with the official starter, run:

npx create-next-app@latest


yarn create next-app

This is a great starting point for basic Next.js apps.

Next.js TypeScript Starter for Type-Safe Code

For TypeScript projects, the Next.js TypeScript Starter includes:

  • TypeScript
  • ESLint
  • Jest
  • React Testing Library

It enforces type safety for components, APIs, and tests.

To use this starter:

npx create-next-app@latest --example with-typescript-eslint-jest

Utilizing Next JS Material Kit for UI Development

The Next JS Material Kit starter includes:

  • Material UI v5
  • Theme Customization
  • TypeScript
  • Next SEO

It allows rapidly building apps with Material Design and custom themes.

Optimizing with the Next JS SEO Starter Kit

The Next SEO Starter has SEO optimizations like:

  • Next Head
  • OpenGraph Tags
  • Sitemap Generation

It helps improve search engine visibility.


Summarizing Key Integration Tips

Integrating Next.js starters into your development workflow can accelerate your projects. Here are some key tips covered:

  • Carefully evaluate starter features to align with your project goals
  • Fork and clone starters to customize as needed
  • Migrate existing app code and data into starters
  • Configure environment variables and API keys
  • Test builds and deployments before launch

Encouraging Further Experimentation with Starters

With new Next.js starters released daily, there are endless options to try out. Don't be afraid to experiment with different starters and tweak their code to match your needs. You may uncover the perfect starter to boost your productivity.

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Next.js innovation moves swiftly. Subscribe to our newsletter or follow us on social media to stay current with the newest releases, features, and updates in the Next.js ecosystem.

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