Quick Setup Guide: Next JS Tailwind TypeScript Starter

published on 06 December 2023

Everyone will likely agree that setting up a modern web development environment from scratch can be an extremely tedious and time-consuming process.

But with this comprehensive guide, you'll be able to quickly spin up a versatile Next.js project with Tailwind CSS and TypeScript ready for rapid development and deployment in no time.

You'll get a step-by-step walkthrough on tailoring the starter template to your needs, structuring your directories, integrating Tailwind and TypeScript, setting up linting and formatting, managing environment variables, pushing to GitHub, and deploying to Vercel.

Introduction: Crafting a Next.js Tailwind TypeScript Starter

This article provides a step-by-step guide to setting up a development environment using the popular Next.js framework along with Tailwind CSS and TypeScript. We'll walk through initializing a new project, configuring Tailwind and TypeScript, setting up pages and components, and deploying to production.


Before starting, make sure you have Node.js and npm installed along with a code editor like VS Code.

Kickstart Your Project with the Nextjs TypeScript Starter

Use npx create-next-app to bootstrap a new Next.js project:

npx create-next-app my-app --use-npm

This will generate a basic Next.js app with JavaScript support out of the box. Next we'll add Tailwind CSS and TypeScript.

Tailoring Tailwind CSS in Your Next.js Environment

Install Tailwind and its peer dependencies via npm:

npm install -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer

Next, generate a Tailwind config file to customize the framework:

npx tailwindcss init -p

This creates a tailwind.config.js file. Update it to match your design system.

Finally, add Tailwind directives to the main CSS file:

@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;  
@tailwind utilities;

Now Tailwind CSS is ready to style your Next.js project!

TypeScript Integration: Setting a Strong Foundation

Add TypeScript support:

touch tsconfig.json
npm install -D typescript @types/react @types/node

Update tsconfig.json to enable strict type checking:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "strict": true

Optionally add path aliases for cleaner imports:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "baseUrl": ".",
    "paths": {
      "@components/*": ["components/*"]

TypeScript is now configured to catch errors during development.

Designing Pages and Crafting Components with Tailwind

Build out the pages and React components needed for your application using Next.js file-based routing and Tailwind CSS for styling.

For example, create a page:

export default function Home() {
  return (
    <main className="bg-gray-100 h-screen p-4">
      <h1 className="text-3xl font-bold">Hello world!</h1>

The Tailwind utilities applied to the main and h1 elements style them instantly.

Create and import components modularly:

// Button.tsx

interface Props {
  variant: "primary" | "secondary";

export default function Button({ variant }: Props) {
  return (
      className={`py-2 px-4 border ${
        variant === "primary" ? "bg-blue-500 text-white" : "bg-white"
      {variant === "primary" ? "Primary button" : "Secondary button"}
// Home.tsx  

import Button from '@components/Button';

export default function Home() {
  return (
      <Button variant="primary" />

This sets up a basic structure to build your app rapidly.

The Next.js and Tailwind combo powered by TypeScript allows you to craft production-ready web applications incredibly quickly. Give this starter stack a try on your next project!

Directory Structure Overview: Navigating Nextjs Tailwind TypeScript Projects

Understanding the key files and folders in a Next.js project configured with TypeScript and Tailwind CSS is crucial to effectively navigating and contributing to the codebase.

Pages Directory: Your Nextjs TypeScript Tailwind Blueprint

The pages directory contains React components that map to application routes based on their filename. For example, the component pages/about.tsx would be accessible at /about.

These page components leverage server-side rendering (SSR) and static generation features in Next.js. This means pages render on the server first before being sent to the client for optimal performance.

Here is an example About page component located at pages/about.tsx:

import Layout from '../components/Layout';

export default function About() {
  return (
      <p>This is the application's about page!</p>

This showcases usage of:

  • Exporting a React component as the default export for the page
  • Wrapping page with common Layout component
  • Adding page-specific content

The pages folder essentially serves as the blueprint for your application routes and page content.

Public Assets: Hosting with Next JS Tailwind Template

The public folder contains static files like images, fonts, etc. Files placed in public can be referenced from the root URL.

For example, if a file named my-logo.png is placed in public, it would be accessible to the client at /my-logo.png.

This is useful for hosting assets that need to be available publicly without processing. Things like favicons can be stored here.

Styles and Themes: Unleashing Tailwind CSS Power

The styles folder contains global styles and styling configuration for Tailwind CSS.

Specifically, styles/globals.css defines base styles and styles/tailwind.config.js customizes and extends Tailwind:

// tailwind.config.js
module.exports = {
  // Extend Tailwind's default theme styles here  
  theme: {
    extend: {
      colors: {}  
  plugins: [],

Any CSS files placed in styles are automatically imported to build processes. This allows seamlessly adding global stylesheets without additional configuration.

Reusable Components: Next js Tailwind Components Ecosystem

The components folder holds reusable React components used across various application pages. For example:

// components/Layout.tsx

import Nav from './Nav';
import Footer from './Footer';

export default function Layout({ children }) {
  return (
      <Nav />
      <Footer />

These presentational components add common UI elements like navigation and footers when rendered.

Organizing components this way promotes reusability and modularity throughout the application.

Defining Types: TypeScript's Blueprint in Nextjs

The types folder centralizes TypeScript types for usage across the app:

// types/post.ts

export interface Post {
  id: number;
  title: string;
  content: string;

Common types to define include:

  • API responses
  • React component props
  • Redux state slices

Grouping types together leverages TypeScript's static analysis for autocompletion, preventing bugs, and self-documenting code.

Utilities: Optimizing Functionality in Nextjs TypeScript Tailwind

The lib or utils folder houses JavaScript helper modules with reusable logic.

For example:

// lib/api.js

async function fetchPosts() {
  const response = await fetch('/api/posts');
  return response.json();

export default { fetchPosts };

Typical use cases include:

  • Data fetching methods
  • API client instances
  • Shared hook logic

This organization separates complex logic from components for better testing and reusability across Next.js.

In Summary

Understanding the key directories like pages, public, and components is essential for effectively building Next.js applications with TypeScript and Tailwind. Defining types and utilities also optimizes development workflows. Overall, Next.js project structure creates a scalable, modular foundation for crafting performant web apps.


Setting Up the Development Environment: Nextjs-tailwind Starter GitHub Best Practices

Configure tools like ESLint, Prettier, Husky, etc. to improve development workflow.

Linting with ESLint: Ensuring Code Quality in Your Next.js TypeScript Boilerplate

ESLint is an essential tool for catching errors and enforcing code style in Next.js projects. By integrating ESLint into your Nextjs TypeScript starter, you enable real-time feedback during development to identify issues like unused variables, missing semicolons, and inconsistent naming conventions.

Adding an ESLint configuration file like .eslintrc to the root of your Nextjs-tailwind boilerplate allows customization of linting rules specific to your project needs. Popular style guides like Airbnb provide shareable config presets for quick setup.

// .eslintrc
  "extends": "airbnb"  

VS Code ESLint integration via the ESLint extension surfaces errors directly in the editor as you code. Take advantage of auto-fix on save capabilities to clean up issues with a single click.

Fine-tuning ESLint rules prevents bike shedding down the line and sets project conventions early when adding new Nextjs TypeScript Tailwind features. Get immediate feedback resolving code style decisions ship-quality web apps faster.

Code Formatting with Prettier: Aesthetic Consistency Across Nextjs TypeScript Tailwind

Consistent code formatting improves Nextjs Tailwind example readability and developer velocity. Rather than manually styling each file, leverage Prettier to handle code indentation, quotes, parenthesis spacing automatically.

// Prettier config
  "singleQuote": true,
  "bracketSpacing": true  

Add a .prettierrc config file to the Next JS Tailwind Template specifying project-wide formatting standards. Integrate Prettier into your editor to run on file save or format everything on commit via Husky hooks.

Removing trivial style choices through opinionated defaults frees developers to focus efforts on building. No need to bike shed whitespace or quote styles ever again!

Git Hooks with Husky: Keeping Your Nextjs Tailwind Example Tidy

Husky enables executing scripts during git commit, push, and other actions to automate tasks like linting. Set up commit hooks for your Nextjs-tailwind starter GitHub to run Prettier and ESLint against staged changes on commit.

// package.json
"husky": {
  "hooks": {    
    "pre-commit": "lint-staged"

Catch styling inconsistencies before they ever reach source control with lint-staged. Never let a poorly formatted code change slip into the codebase again.

Husky integrations encourage consistency and quality for all contributors. Automate Best Practices for your Next js tailwind components from day one.

Managing Environment Variables: Secure Keys in Next JS Tailwind Template

Sensitive credentials like API keys need obfuscation in source control. Use Dotenv and environment variables to hide this configuration.

Create .env files storing keys, then reference safely in process.env.API_KEY without exposing secrets publicly.

// .env.local
// pages/index.js
export const getServerSideProps = () => {  
  const apiKey = process.env.API_KEY;
  // Fetch data with apiKey 

Follow principle of least privilege by limiting access. Add .env to .gitignore, use unique files per environment.

Securing credentials from prying eyes allows scaled deployment of your Nextjs TypeScript starter. Protect your keys and sleep better at night!

Deploying to Production: Showcasing Your Nextjs TypeScript Tailwind Creation

Get your Next.js app deployed for the world to see! We'll cover Vercel, the recommended platform for Next.js.

Version Control Integration: Pushing Your Nextjs TypeScript Tailwind to GitHub

Using GitHub to host your Nextjs TypeScript Tailwind starter code makes it easy to keep it synchronized across development machines and share it with others.

Here are the steps to add your starter to GitHub:

  1. Create a GitHub account if you don't already have one
  2. Create a new repository on GitHub to hold your code
  3. In your local project directory, run git init to initialize a Git repo
  4. Run git add . and git commit -m "initial commit" to commit your code 5. Run `git remote add origin ` to link your local repo to your GitHub repo
  5. Run git push -u origin main to push your code to GitHub

Now whenever you make changes locally, you can commit and push to sync the changes to GitHub. It also enables deploying the Nextjs TypeScript Tailwind app from GitHub.

Seamless Deployment with Vercel: From Nextjs-tailwind Starter GitHub to the Cloud

Vercel is the best place to deploy any Nextjs project. The zero-config deployment works perfectly with Nextjs out of the box.

Follow these simple steps to deploy:

  1. Create a Vercel account
  2. Import your Nextjs TypeScript Tailwind GitHub repository
  3. Vercel automatically detects that it is a Next.js project
  4. Click deploy and your app will be live in minutes!

Vercel supports features like preview deployments, scaling, and more. It's specifically optimized for Next, making it the ideal deployment target.

Custom Domains and SSL: Polishing Your Nextjs TypeScript Tailwind Presence

Once your Nextjs app is deployed on Vercel, you can customize its presence by adding your own domain and enabling SSL encryption.

Here is how to set it up:

  1. Purchase a domain from a registrar like Namecheap
  2. On Vercel, go to Settings > Domains
  3. Under "Add domain" enter your custom domain
  4. Vercel will automatically create DNS records for you
  5. Wait for the domain to propagate and verify on Vercel
  6. SSL encryption is auto enabled!

With just a few clicks, your Nextjs site now uses your own custom domain with HTTPS enabled by default.

Securing Secrets: Environment Variables on Vercel

When deploying apps, you often need to store confidential bits like API keys, database URLs, etc.

Vercel enables managing these securely via environment variables:

  1. In Vercel project, go to Settings > Environment Variables
  2. Add each key and value under the appropriate context (production, preview, etc.)
  3. Reference them in code via process.env.API_KEY for example
  4. Values never exposed in logs or frontend code!

By leveraging environment variables, you can safely store secrets needed for production.

This covers the essentials for taking your Nextjs TypeScript Tailwind starter live! With GitHub and Vercel, you can ship and iterate quickly.

Next Steps: Harnessing the Full Potential of Your Next JS Tailwind TypeScript Starter

You now have a fully functioning Next.js web app with Tailwind and TypeScript! This setup guide walked through project initialization, frameworks configuration, environment setup, and production deployment.

Recap: The Roadmap to Your Next.js Tailwind TypeScript Mastery

We covered creating a Next.js app, adding Tailwind CSS and TypeScript, tooling setup, GitHub and Vercel deployment. Here's a quick recap of the key steps:

  • Initialize a Next.js project with npx create-next-app
  • Install Tailwind CSS with PostCSS
  • Configure Tailwind directives in tailwind.config.js
  • Install TypeScript and set up tsconfig.json
  • Add Tailwind classnames and TypeScript types
  • Set up ESLint, Prettier, Husky, Lint-Staged
  • Push to GitHub and deploy on Vercel

With these foundations in place, you have a solid, scalable codebase ready for rapid development!

Building the Future: Crafting Next-Level Nextjs Tailwind Components

Build out your components and pages! Refer to the Next.js docs for routing, data fetching, APIs, and more advanced topics.

Some ideas on extending your starter:

  • Create reusable Tailwind components for your UI elements
  • Implement server-side rendering with getServerSideProps
  • Integrate with headless CMSs like Sanity, Contentful or Strapi
  • Add user authentication with NextAuth.js
  • Implement Internationalization
  • Improve SEO with automatic sitemap generation

The possibilities are endless! This flexible Next.js Tailwind TypeScript stack has all the tools you need to build complex, production-ready web apps.

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